Observing the Venus Transit

Shadow of the planet Venus during it's transit of the Sun on June 5th, 2012 at approximately 18:00 Central Time. Photograph taken from the MH Solar Observatory in St. Louis, MO, USA.

It’s pretty amazing how ecstatic seeing a simple circle with a little blobby dot can make a person feel. Following Ron Hipschman’s instructions, I installed a small aperture (~0.5 mm) solar projector at the newly established Muddle Home Solar Observatory (MHSO). The kids and I used it, and SunAeon’s app, to observe Venus transiting the Sun. It was, in a word, awesome.

The MHSO's small aperture (pinhole), solar projector.

For us the transit occurred late in the day, so by the end we had trees getting in the way.

Trees beginning to obscure the Sun.

If it seems odd that the trees are at the top of the image, it’s because the images in pinhole projectors are inverted. If I flip it around the right way, the image would actually look like this.

Corrected (inverted) image from the pinhole projector.

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