Programming Agents

An artful spaceship.

For my programming elective, I thought I’d try to get students programming autonomous agents that we could all compile together into some type of game. Since it was, for most of them a first class in programming, this has proven a little too ambitious, and I’ve had to adjust a bit to build up to it.

Step 1: Build a spaceship/vehicle/agent.

A simple ship made of a sphere, ring, and pyramid, with a clear front end (pointed to the left: vector=(1,0,0).
  • We’re using VPython so we can build 3d ships. Students get to exercise their creativity a bit and learn how to place things in 3d co-ordinate space.
  • The ship must have a front end and all the parts must be put into a single frame so the whole thing can be moved as a unit.
  • Although it’s not required, I’ve added in the beginnings of a trail so we can track the motion of the spaceship
from visual import *

f = frame()
r = ring(frame=f, thickness=.25, axis=(0,1,0))
cabin = sphere(frame=f, radius=0.6,
front = pyramid(frame=f, height=1,width=1,length=2,
trail = curve(pos=[f.pos,])

Step 2: Make the spaceship a class.

  • Putting the spaceship in a separate class, away from the rest of the code, makes it easier to move from one program to another. That means we can import everyone’s ships into a single program at the end.
from visual import *

class spaceship1:

    def __init__(self):

        self.f = frame()
        self.r = ring(frame=self.f, thickness=.25, axis=(0,1,0))
        self.cabin = sphere(frame=self.f, radius=0.6,
        self.front = pyramid(frame=self.f, height=1,width=1,length=2,
        self.trail = curve(pos=[self.f.pos,])

ss = spaceship1()

Make the spaceship move

  • We’re going to control the movement of the spaceship using the arrow keys. Left and right to turn; up and down to accelerate and decelerate.
  • To allow movement, we’ll put the keyboard controls into an infinite loop, but to allow maximum flexibility (and to show how to use create methods in a class) we’re putting the actual movement in as methods in the class: the turning method is named turn_xz and movement is move_xz since all the motion is going to be restricted in the xz plane for now.
from visual import *

class spaceship1:

    def __init__(self):

        self.f = frame()
        self.r = ring(frame=self.f, thickness=.25, axis=(0,1,0))
        self.cabin = sphere(frame=self.f, radius=0.6,
        self.front = pyramid(frame=self.f, height=1,width=1,length=2,
        self.trail = curve(pos=[self.f.pos,])

    def turn_xz(self, turn_rate):
        self.f.axis = rotate(self.f.axis, turn_rate, (0,1,0))

    def move_xz(self, speed):
        self.f.pos = self.f.pos + self.f.axis*speed
ss = spaceship1()
turn = 0.0

while 1:
    rate(20)  #slows down execution of the loop


    if scene.kb.keys: # event waiting to be processed?
        s = scene.kb.getkey() # get keyboard info

        if s == 'left':
            turn = turn + 0.01
        if s == 'right':
            turn = turn - 0.01

        if s == 'up':
            speed = speed + 0.01
        if s == 'down':
            speed = speed - 0.01

        if s == ' ':
            if turn <> 0:
                turn = 0
            elif speed <> 0:
                speed = 0

Fire missiles

  • We add in missiles by creating a class very similar to the spaceship. For now our missile is just a ball but I’m putting it into a frame anyway in case later on I want it to be a composite object.
  • Since we can fire multiple missiles, in the code I create a list to hold all the missiles.
  • Missiles are fired using the “a” key.
from visual import *

class spaceship1:

    def __init__(self):

        self.f = frame()
        self.r = ring(frame=self.f, thickness=.25, axis=(0,1,0))
        self.cabin = sphere(frame=self.f, radius=0.6,
        self.front = pyramid(frame=self.f, height=1,width=1,length=2,
        self.trail = curve(pos=[self.f.pos,])

    def turn_xz(self, turn_rate):
        self.f.axis = rotate(self.f.axis, turn_rate, (0,1,0))

    def move_xz(self, speed):
        self.f.pos = self.f.pos + self.f.axis*speed
class missile:
    def __init__(self, axis, pos):

        self.f = frame(axis=axis, pos=pos)
        self.r = sphere(frame=self.f, radius=0.2,
        self.speed = 0.5

    def move_xz(self):
        self.f.pos = self.f.pos + self.f.axis*self.speed

ss = spaceship1()
turn = 0.0

missiles = []  #list for missiles

while 1:
    rate(20)  #slows down execution of the loop


    #move missiles
    for i, m in enumerate(missiles):

    if scene.kb.keys: # event waiting to be processed?
        s = scene.kb.getkey() # get keyboard info

        if s == 'left':
            turn = turn + 0.01
        if s == 'right':
            turn = turn - 0.01

        if s == 'up':
            speed = speed + 0.01
        if s == 'down':
            speed = speed - 0.01

        if s == ' ':
            if turn <> 0:
                turn = 0
            elif speed <> 0:
                speed = 0

        #fire missile
        if s == 'a':
            missiles.append(missile(ss.f.axis, ss.f.pos))

Final adjustments

  • Finally, I’m going to put in a boundary, and set it up to delete the missiles if they go out of bounds.
  • I’m also going to set an option so that the scene follows the ship, which makes it easier to keep track of things.
from visual import *

class spaceship1:

    def __init__(self):

        self.f = frame()
        self.r = ring(frame=self.f, thickness=.25, axis=(0,1,0))
        self.cabin = sphere(frame=self.f, radius=0.6,
        self.front = pyramid(frame=self.f, height=1,width=1,length=2,
        self.trail = curve(pos=[self.f.pos,])

    def turn_xz(self, turn_rate):
        self.f.axis = rotate(self.f.axis, turn_rate, (0,1,0))

    def move_xz(self, speed):
        self.f.pos = self.f.pos + self.f.axis*speed

class missile:
    def __init__(self, axis, pos):

        self.f = frame(axis=axis, pos=pos)
        self.r = sphere(frame=self.f, radius=0.2,
        self.speed = 0.5

    def move_xz(self):
        self.f.pos = self.f.pos + self.f.axis*self.speed

class bounds:
    def __init__(self, boundary_distance):
        self.boundary_distance = boundary_distance
        self.border = curve(pos=[(-boundary_distance,0,-boundary_distance),
    def in_bounds(self, pos):
        if ( pos.x < -self.boundary_distance or
             pos.x > self.boundary_distance or
             pos.z < -self.boundary_distance or
             pos.z > self.boundary_distance):
            return false
            return true

ss = spaceship1()
turn = 0.0
l_track_ship = 1
scene.forward = (0,-1,0)
missiles = []

boundary_distance = 100
boundary = bounds(boundary_distance)

while 1:

    if l_track_ship > 0: = ss.f.pos

    #move missiles
    del_list = []
    for i, m in enumerate(missiles):

        #delete missile if out of bounds
        if boundary.in_bounds(m.f.pos) == False:
    for i in del_list:
        missiles[i].f.visible = False
        del missiles[i]
    #if m <> None:
    #    m.move_xz()

    if scene.kb.keys: # event waiting to be processed?
        s = scene.kb.getkey() # get keyboard info

        if s == 'left':
            turn = turn + 0.01
        if s == 'right':
            turn = turn - 0.01

        if s == 'up':
            speed = speed + 0.01
        if s == 'down':
            speed = speed - 0.01

        if s == ' ':
            if turn <> 0:
                turn = 0
            elif speed <> 0:
                speed = 0

        #fire missile
        if s == 'a':
            missiles.append(missile(ss.f.axis, ss.f.pos))

Next steps

Now that we’re cooking with charcoal — we have a functioning program — the next steps will be setting up a target to shoot at, and, if the students are ready, letting them program their ships to move autonomously. If they’re not ready then, as an example, I’ll program some opposition.