3d Molecule Viewer

An excellent 3d viewer for molecules.

An excellent 3d molecule viewer. (The actual app has a lot smoother animations than this.)
An excellent 3d molecule viewer.

In addition to the existing molecules, you can import any number of others if you can find them in one of the right formats (PDB, SDF or MOL molecule definitions): the ligand.info: Small Molecule Meta Database is a good source for SDFs.

Alexandria to Constantinople: Traveling the Roman World

Say I wanted to get from Alexandria, Egypt, to Constantinople, I don’t trust boats, and it’s 1800 years ago. Well, instead of mapping it with Google I’d have to use ORBIS instead. ORBIS tells me that it would take two and a half months and cost me 3000 denarii (about $30,000).

Route from Alexandria to Constantinopolis during the time of the Roman Empire (about 200CE). Map by ORBIS.

Which seems like a bit much. But, since I absolutely have to get to the capital, I think I’ll price out a coastal boat route. That reduces the price by 80%, and the time to three weeks.

If I was really cheap, and was willing to risk the open Mediterranean, the time could be chopped down to less than two weeks, at a cost of only 374 denarii.

In ORBIS, Walter Scheidel and Elijah Meeks have created a fascinating resource for the study of the geography and history of Roman civilization.

Euler’s Method for Approximating a Solution to a Differential Equation

Based on Euler’s Method, this interactive graph illustrates a numerical method for solving differential equations. This approach is at the core of many sophisticated computer models of physical phenomena (like climate and weather).


  • Starting point: (x,y) = (   ,   )
  • Step size:
  • Direction:

Your browser does not support the canvas element.

  • Slope equation: dy/dx =   x +   
  • Show analytical solution:

If you know the equation for the slope of a curve (the red line for example),

and a point that the curve passes through, such as , you can integrate to find the equation of the curve:

[script type=”text/javascript”]

var width=500;
var height=500;
var xrange=10;
var yrange=10;

mx = width/(2.0*xrange);
bx = width/2.0;
my = -height/(2.0*yrange);
by = height/2.0;

function upause () {
ct = 1;

function draw_9110(ctx, polys) {
//ctx.fillText (“t=”+t, xp(5), yp(5));

polys[0].slopeField(ctx, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5);
polys[0].write_eqn(ctx, “slope = dy/dx”);

eu = eu_9110;
//override nsteps values
//max_nsteps_9110 = eu.nsteps;
//eu.nsteps = nsteps_9110;

if (nsteps_9110 <= max_nsteps_9110) { nsteps_9110 = nsteps_9110 + 1;} else { nsteps_9110 = 0; } eu.nsteps = nsteps_9110; if (show_parabola_9110 == 1) { polys[0].Integrate(ctx, eu.x1, eu.y1); polys[0].integral.color = '#3c3'; polys[0].integral.draw(ctx); } pos = polys[0].EulerApprox(ctx, eu); //document.getElementById('comment_9110').innerHTML = eu.nsteps+ " " + eu.x1 + " " + eu.y1+ " " + eu.dx+ " " + eu.dir+ " " + max_nsteps_9110; //starting point label ctx.textAlign="right"; ctx.textBaseline="alphabetic"; ctx.font = "14pt Calibri"; ctx.fillStyle = "#00f"; ctx.fillText ('start = ('+eu.x1+','+eu.y1+")", xp(eu.x1-0.25), yp(eu.y1-0.5)); //pos = polys[0].EulerApprox(ctx, st_pt_x_9110, st_pt_y_9110, 0.5,20,-1); //pos = polys[0].EulerApprox(ctx, st_pt_x_9110, st_pt_y_9110, 1, 6,1); //draw starting point ctx.strokeStyle="#00f"; ctx.lineWidth=2; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(xp(eu.x1),yp(eu.y1),dxp(0.1),0,Math.PI*2); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); //ctx.fillText (' c='+move_dir_9110+' '+polys[1].c, xp(5), yp(5)); } //init_mouse(); var c_9110=document.getElementById("myCanvas_9110"); var ctx_9110=c_9110.getContext("2d"); var change = 0.0001; function create_lines_9110 () { //draw line var polys = []; polys.push(addPoly(0, 0.5, -1)); return polys; } function set_max_nsteps_9110 (eu) { max_nsteps_9110 = 1.5*(xrange - eu.x1)/eu.dx; } var polys_9110 = create_lines_9110(); var x1=xp(-10); var y1=yp(1); var x2=xp(10); var y2=yp(1); var dc_9110=0.05; var t_9110 = 0; var dt_9110 = 500; var st_dx_9110 = 1.0; var st_nsteps_9110 = 0; var nsteps_9110 = 0; var max_nsteps_9110 = 20; var dir_9110 = 1; var show_parabola_9110 = 1; var st_pt_x_9110 = -2; var st_pt_y_9110 = -3; var move_dir_9110 = 1.0; // 1 for up //Form interaction function update_form_9110 (x, y, dx, nsteps, dir, b, c, show_para) { x_9110.value = st_pt_x_9110+""; y_9110.value = st_pt_y_9110+""; dx_9110.value = st_dx_9110.toPrecision(2); //c_max_nsteps_9110.value = max_nsteps_9110+""; //document.getElementById('comment_9110').innerHTML = c_dir_9110; if (dir == 1) { c_dir_9110.selectedIndex = 0; } else {c_dir_9110.selectedIndex = 1;} b_9110.value = b+""; c_9110.value = c+""; if (show_para == 1) { ctrl_show.checked = 1; } else {ctrl_show.checked = 0;} } function get_euler_form_9110 () { pos = {x : parseFloat(x_9110.value), y : parseFloat(y_9110.value)} if (c_dir_9110.selectedIndex == 0) { dir = 1;} else {dir = -1;} eu = addEuler(pos.x, pos.y, parseFloat(dx_9110.value), max_nsteps_9110, dir); return eu } function update_solution_9110 (ctx, eu) { //update equations and solution document.getElementById('slope_eqn_9110').innerHTML = polys_9110[0].get_eqn("dy/dx"); //document.getElementById('eqn_9110').innerHTML = "hey"+eu.y1; polys_9110[0].Integrate(ctx, eu.x1, eu.y1); document.getElementById('eqn_9110').innerHTML = polys_9110[0].integral.get_eqn(); document.getElementById('init_pt_9110').innerHTML = "("+eu.x1+","+eu.y1+")"; } function add_euler_line() { eu_9110 = get_euler_form_9110 (); max_nsteps_9110 = eu_9110.nsteps; nsteps_9110 = 0; } var x_9110 = document.getElementById("x_9110"); var y_9110 = document.getElementById("y_9110"); var dx_9110 = document.getElementById("dx_9110"); //var c_max_nsteps_9110 = document.getElementById("nsteps_9110"); var c_dir_9110 = document.getElementById("dir_9110"); var b_9110 = document.getElementById("b_9110"); var c_9110 = document.getElementById("c_9110"); var ctrl_show = document.getElementById("chk_show_para_9110"); update_form_9110(x_9110, y_9110, dx_9110, nsteps_9110, dir_9110, polys_9110[0].b, polys_9110[0].c, show_parabola_9110); var eu_9110 = get_euler_form_9110 (); set_max_nsteps_9110(eu_9110); update_solution_9110(ctx_9110, eu_9110); setInterval("draw_9110(ctx_9110, polys_9110)", dt_9110); x_9110.onchange = function() { eu_9110 = get_euler_form_9110 (); max_nsteps_9110 = eu_9110.nsteps; nsteps_9110 = 0; } y_9110.onchange = function() { eu_9110 = get_euler_form_9110 (); max_nsteps_9110 = eu_9110.nsteps; nsteps_9110 = 0; } c_dir_9110.onchange = function() { eu_9110 = get_euler_form_9110 (); max_nsteps_9110 = eu_9110.nsteps; nsteps_9110 = 0; } dx_9110.onchange = function() { eu_9110 = get_euler_form_9110 (); max_nsteps_9110 = eu_9110.nsteps; //max_nsteps_9110 = 1.4 * (10 - eu_9110.x1)/eu_9110.dx; set_max_nsteps_9110(eu_9110); nsteps_9110 = 0; } b_9110.onchange = function() { polys_9110[0].set_b(parseFloat(this.value)); eu_9110 = get_euler_form_9110 (); max_nsteps_9110 = eu_9110.nsteps; nsteps_9110 = 0; } c_9110.onchange = function() { polys_9110[0].set_c(parseFloat(this.value)); eu_9110 = get_euler_form_9110 (); max_nsteps_9110 = eu_9110.nsteps; nsteps_9110 = 0; } ctrl_show.onchange = function() { if (this.checked == 1) { show_parabola_9110 = 1;} else {show_parabola_9110 = 0} } [/script] [/inline]

If you don’t have a starting point (initial condition), you can draw a slope field to see what the general pattern of all the possible solutions.

Even with a starting point, however, there are just times when you can’t integrate the slope equation — it’s either too difficult or even impossible.

Then, what you can do is come up with an approximation of what the curve looks like by projecting along the slope from the starting point.

The program above demonstrates how it’s done. This approach is called Euler’s Method, and is gives a numerical approximation rather than finding the exact, analytical solution using calculus (integration).

So why use an approximation when you can find the exact solution? Because, there are quite a number of problems that are impossible or extremely difficult to solve analytically, things like: the diffusion of pollution in a lake; how changing temperature in the atmosphere gives you weather and climate; the flow of groundwater in aquifers; stresses on structural members of buildings; and the list goes on and on.

As with most types of numerical approximations, you get better results if you can reduce the step size between projections of the slope. Try changing the numbers and see.

A more detailed version, with solutions, is here: Euler’s Method.

A good reference: Euler’s Method by Paul Dawkins.

Scale of the Universe: 62 Orders of Magnitude (1062)

Scale of the Universe 2, by Cary and Michael Huang. WARNING: look out for ads on the site.

In a modern variant on the Powers of Ten video, Cary and Michael Huang have created an excellent flash game that spans the scale of the universe, from the smallest, only hypothesized particles, through atomic, human, planetary, and galactic scales (to name a but a few), to the size of the universe itself. It goes further than the Cell Size and Scale flash app.

The link is here, but look out for an advertisement that takes up the game window, which will eventually let you through (or you can click the “Skip Ad” link on the bottom right of the ad).

EPA’s Enviromapper

Enviromapper via the EPA. Image links to the map for St. Albans, MO, but you can find information for anywhere in the U.S..

The EPA’s Enviromapper website is great way to identify sources of hazardous materials and other types of pollution in your area, which might be a good way of stirring up student interest in the topic.

Not only can you map the broad category of pollution – air, water, radiation etc – but you can also find specific information about the different types of pollution or potential pollution the EPA has information about. I found a nearby site with sulfuric acid, for example.

And, if you want to slog through a lot of closely written reports, you can find a lot more details about any site you come across. Some of this information might also be useful – who knows?