I took three students to a workshop were we’re building a 3d printer. It’s run out of the Whitfield School. We spend today putting together the electronics to run the five motors we need to get the thing to work, and starting to put the frame together.
The frame is based on the RepRap Prusa i3 (via DIY Tech Shop), and the plastic parts that hold the rods, electronics and other metal bits together are 3d printed themselves.

The motors is run by an Arduino, which is great because I’ve been thinking about using one to operate the doors to the chicken coops.
Notes on hardware
- Arduino Mega 2560 R3
- RAMPS Shield 1.4
- RepRap StepStick Pololu A4988 (I think) stepper driver (plus heat sinks)
Filament: 1.75 mm PLA