
Empathy is seeing the world through the eyes of others. Adolescents tend to look inward, not outward, but empathy is the basis of morality, so exposure to others and other points of view is an important element of their education. I find the following video interesting (much like the Bright Eyes video) because in its hints at so many hidden messages and meanings. It provokes thoughts about who these kids are, what is life like for them, and how do they see the world.

Note: David Brooks argues that while empathy orients one toward moral behavior, it’s really sacred moral codes that convert that orientation into action.

Dealing with Procrastination

To avoid putting off work:

  • Change your thinking; self-motivate: Convince yourself that you’re enjoying your work, or you’re being productive.
  • Change your environment: Put barriers between you and distraction
  • Disciplined breaks: start with 25 minutes working and then take a 5 minute break. Increase the work interval over time.
  • Deadlines: costly self-imposed or even external deadlines work.

The Dish

Fixing the Voting System

C.G.P.Grey lays out the problems with the U.S.A’s current “first past the post/winner take all” voting system and then explains how to fix them:

The problems:

  • Minority rule: You can win with less than half the vote (at least in the beginning).
  • Inevitable, unavoidable, two-party system evolves over time.
  • Third-parties become spoilers; the better a third-party does the worse it is for their voters because it takes away votes from the other party they would favor.

The solutions:

1. The Alternative Vote/Instant Runoff.

2. Mixed Member Proportional Representation.