Instead of doing the Island of Podiatry in the sandbox, I decided add a practical exercise as part of their Social World test.

Half the class, the first to finish the written portion of the test, were instructed, as a group, to create as many physiographic features as they could in the sandbox. Tomorrow, the other half will have to try to identify as many features as they can.
The first group did a very good job. The kids seemed to enjoy working with the sand, and little details, like the difference between a bay and a gulf, quickly became apparent.
It’ll be interesting to see how the other half does with identification. I could not prevent myself from adding a fjord and cirque even though we have not seen them in class. The fjord should at least be recognized as a valley (definitely a steep sided valley), but hopefully this will allow a moment to talk about post-glacial features. Of course, thinking about it, I should probably add a moraine or subsurface ridge to complete the set.