A Plant Responds to Water

Pepper plant responding to being watered. These images were taken over the course of two hours.

During class on Friday, I watered my Chinese five-color hot pepper plant for the first time in three days. It responded quite well, helping to illustrate one reason (to maintain their rigidity/prevent wilting) why plants need water. I did this because I was curious about how fast plants respond to water, and with the data from the images I should be able to demonstrate what a scientific report should look like.

The full plant’s response:


The original camera images were cropped for the gif-animation using Imagemagick’s convert

convert $i -crop 500x400+1550+1100 crop-$i

The image file sequences were converted to mp4 video using ffmpeg (instructions here):

ffmpeg -r 5 -b 64k -i crop-image00%02d.jpg watering64k-1000.mp4


  • frame rate = r = 5 frames/second
  • bitrate = b = 64k

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