A recent genetic study has confirmed that gypsies (Romani) probably originated in India. Dean Nelson summarizes.
Scientists from Hyderabad’s Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology collaborated with colleagues in Estonia and Switzerland to compare more than 10,000 samples, including from members of 214 different Indian ethnic groups. They were analysed to match a South Asian Y chromosome type known as “haplogroup H1a1a-M82”, which passes down male bloodlines, with samples from Roma men in Europe.
While there were matches with samples from men throughout the Indian sub-continent, the closest match and the least genetic variation occurred with those from north-west India.
When the researchers overlaid the closest matches onto a genetic map of India, the highest density was in areas dominated by India’s “doma”, “scheduled tribes and castes” – the low caste dalits or untouchables who suffer widespread and generational discrimination and usually do society’s dirtiest jobs.
The researchers believe the descendants of today’s Roma gypsies in Europe began their westward exodus first to fight in wars in what is today Punjab between 1001 and 1026 on the promise of a promotion in caste status.
This type of genetic study looks at sections of the DNA sequence, specifically a certain group of genes that is slightly different in people from India compared to everyone else.
A gene is a section of DNA that does a certain job, such as producing a specific protein that results in a certain physical characteristic like eye color. Everyone has the gene for eye color, but some people have a version that gives blue eyes, while others might have a green eye version. The different versions of genes are called alleles, so you can say that some people have the allele for blue eyes while others have the green eye allele. Groups of alleles are passed on from parent to child, which is why children look like their parents, and why different ethnic groups from around the world look different from each other.
So if we take a group genes (call it a haplogroup) and compare the versions characteristic of Indians to those of Gypsies, we can see how similar the two groups are. This study (Gresham et al., 2001) found that Romani and Asians share 45% of the alleles within this haplogroup, which is pretty high. They also looked at another haplogroup in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that is only passed on from mothers to their children (it’s matrilineal) and found a 26% match.
Making the assumption that mutations in genes occur at a constant rate, the new study estimates that the Roma emigrated out of India somewhere around 1000 years ago.
The relatively recent ages determined for haplogroup VI-68 and M in this study suggest that the ethnogenesis of the Roma can be understood as a profound bottleneck event. Although identification of the parental population of the proto-Roma has to await better understanding of genetic diversity in the Indian subcontinent, our results suggest a limited number of related founders, compatible with a small group of migrants splitting from a distinct caste or tribal group.
This is however, not the only evidence of an Indian origin. There are also significant similarities between the Romani and Indian languages that were noted long before. In fact, there is a fascinating, and my modern sensibilities, quite politically incorrect article on the topic of the origin of the Gypsies in the February, 1880 issue of Popular Science Monthly.
California recently auctioned off a set of carbon emission permits as the start of an effort to reduce emissions of greenhouse gasses with an emissions trading system.
The first 23.1 million permits sold out at $10.09 per ton.
Scott Tong has an interesting article in Marketplace about how the U.S. is reducing its carbon dioxide emissions through things like regulation of car fuel efficiency and light bulbs.
I so liked how the tree of life turned out the last time I tried it, that I did it again this year with a significant improvement in the use of rubber bands.
Students chose organisms and then looked up their classification — Wikipedia quite reliable for this — then they wrote the names down on synchronized chips of colored paper. As usual, they preferentially chose charismatic, mammalian, megafauna, but there was also a squid, and for two people who did not come up with anything themselves, I assigned a plant (elm), and a bacteria (the one that causes strep throat).
The actual color pattern of the chips does not matter, but I used red for Domain, yellow for Kingdom, green for Phylum, pink for Class, red for Order, yellow for Family, green for Genus, and pink for species. The colors repeated, and I liked how that helped organize the pattern of the final result.
In class, using a pin-board, I used push pins to place homo sapiens on the board. I linked the push pins with rubber bands, which makes for a nicer, sharper pattern than using string, and is easier to do.
To get a nice pattern I then asked who had the closest relative to humans. It took a little effort to figure it out, but I decided to go with a degrees-of-separation metric. Basically, I asked them to count up the classification system to see how many levels they’d have to go to get to something their species shared with humans. The closest were at the Class level: mammals.
Then, starting with the students with the lowest separation distance, I had the students come up to the board and add their organism to the growing tree.
Later, during lunch, a student asked me what was the difference between bison and buffalo. I didn’t know, but another teacher pointed out that one was from North America and the other from Africa. So I asked two of my middle schoolers to look up the classification of american bison and water-buffalos, which we subsequently added to the tree, and which got me thinking about how we might use the rate of separation of the two continents to figure out how fast genetic variation develops.
Today I grew, and then killed off, a bunch of bacteria using the VAMP exponential growth model to talk about exponential and logarithmic functions in pre-Calculus. I also took the opportunity to use an exponential decay model to talk about the development of drug resistance in bacteria.
Students had already worked on, and presented to each other, a few bacterial growth problems but the sound and the animation helped give a better conceptual understanding of what was going on.
After watching and listening to the simulation I asked, “What happens to the doubling time?” and one student answered, “It gets shorter,” which seems reasonable but is incorrect. I was able to explain that the doubling time stays the same even though the rate of reproduction (the number of new cells per second) increases rapidly.
Then I changed the model from growth to decay by changing the doubling time to a half-life. Essentially this changes the coefficient in the exponent of the growth equation from positive to negative. The growth rate’s doubling time was 100 seconds, but I used a half life of 50 seconds for decay to accelerate things a bit, but still show the persistence of the last of the bugs.
The cells died really fast in the beginning, and while there was just one cell was left at the very end, it was pretty clear just how persistent that last cell was; cells were dieing so slowly at the end.
This is similar to what happens when someone takes antibiotics. The typical course lasts for 10 days, but you’ve killed enough of the bacteria to loose the symptoms of sickness after two or three. Those final few that remain are the most resistant to the antibiotic, and if you don’t kill them then, once you stop taking the antibiotic, they’ll start to grow and replicate and you’ll end up sick again with a new, antibiotic-resistant population of bacteria.
I thought that using the VAMP model for the demonstration worked very well. The sound of the cells popping up faster and faster with exponential growth seemed to help amplify the visual effect, and make the whole thing more real. And during the decay phase, having that last cell hang on, seemingly forever, really helped convey the idea that bacteria can be extremely persistent.
American bison (Bison bison) are native to North America, while water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) are from Africa. They are different species, and each are classified in a different genus, however, they belong to the same Family, Bovidae. Since it’s highly unlikely that there was any genetic intermingling after Africa separated from North America, if we can figure out how long ago the two continents were together, we can estimate how long ago their common ancestor lived, and how fast evolution occurs (at least in large mammals).
Continental Rifting
North America is moving away from Africa at an average spreading rate of about 2.5 cm/year, and the continents are about 4550 km apart.
To figure out how long it has been since the continents were together, we need to convert the distance into the same units as the spreading rate and then divide by the rate.
Converting the distance to cm:
Finding the time:
So we get 182 million years.
Evolutionary Rates
Now to get really back-of-the-envelope. If it takes 182 million years to be separated by two levels of classification (the genus and species levels), then it takes approximately 91 million years for each level of classification.
If we extend this backwards up the phylogenetic tree (species –> Genus –> Family –> Order –> Class –> Phylum –> Kingdom ), which is probably illegal, we get a grand total of six levels of classification back to the divergence of the plant and animal kingdoms. That’s 546 million years, which is remarkably close to the time of the first fossil records of complex multi-cellular life, somewhere near the beginning of the Cambrian about 540 million years ago.
The major caveat, however, is that the first phylogenetic step, from Domain to Kingdom took a lot longer than our 91 million year average, since the first life appeared on Earth about 4 billion years ago.
There are lots of issues with this analysis, but the result is curiously coincidental. I’d really appreciate any thoughts on the validity of this particular exercise.
The spreading happens at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which bifurcates the Atlantic. However, if you look at a map of the bathymetry of the North Atlantic, you can see long striations — lines — that show the direction of the tectonic plate motion. The distance the continents moved are best measured along this line.
The problem with global climate change and agriculture not only that it will probably make it harder to grow crops as the continents dry, but also that where you can grow thing will also change as ecological regions shift. Places where there are long traditions of crops such as sugar maples and cranberries will have to adapt, and often, adapting isn’t easy. This article from Marketplace looks at cranberries in Massachusetts.