Evolution and drug resistant bacteria

Superbugs. When the environment changes, those fortunate organisms who are better adapted to the new environment will live longer and produce more offspring than those that are poorly adapted. (The Chrysalids, is a great book that encapsulates this principle in a powerful coming-of-age story.)

When it comes to bacteria, some small fraction of any strain of bacteria infecting you are, because of random genetic mixing, more resistant to the antibiotics you may be taking. This is why your doctor often makes you to take the antibiotic for a few days after the symptoms are gone; to kill those last most resistant bacteria cells.

Unfortunately, not everyone takes the full course of antibiotics, and some bacteria cells are extremely drug resistant. Over the years since the discovery of penicillin about a century ago, bacterial cells resistant to penicillin have been surviving and reproducing, so that there are now strains of bacteria that are resistant to the drug.

Fortunately drug researchers are developing new antibiotics all the time. When your doctor prescribes one antibiotic and it doesn’t work, they can usually prescribe another that will work because a bacteria strain that has an immunity to one drug might not have an immunity to another, especially if the other is a very different type of drug.

Unfortunately, some bacterial strains have developed that are resistant to a lot of different types of drugs (according to the World Health Organization), and these bacteria are responsible for thousands of deaths in hospitals around the world each year.

Norway has come up with one promising solution; don’t use as many antibiotics. Instead of treating every, or even most colds with antibiotics, their doctors take a wait and see attitude. They prescribe other medicines that reduce the symptoms, the coughing and runny nose, and let the body’s immune system deal with the bacterial infection. And it is working. In Norway, they are able to use penicillin varieties that would not be effective in other countries.

Without the overuse of antibiotics, drug-resistant strains of bacteria are not as competitive as other strains that commonly infect people. Without antibiotic overuse the superbugs aren’t so super after all. So, using less antibiotics means fewer infections with drug-resistant strains.

It’s a bit as if, somewhere in the forests of India, one tiger was born that was much, much better at hiding from and attacking people than the ordinary tiger, but it was smaller than other tigers. Ordinarily, this “supertiger” and its genes would probably die out because it would not be able to compete with the other tigers to reproduce. However, when people start hunting tigers, the supertiger survives better and passes on its genes. Now we have alot more supertigers and a lot more people are being attacked. All because people started killing the tigers.

Evolution is a fascinating process with such a multitude of complicated interactions. I also recommend that students read the introduction to the Origin of Species. It is truly an example of beautiful science. The language is challenging but, I think, worth it.

Where does morality come from?

“Do to others as you would have them do to you”. The golden rule (in some form or the other) is almost universal. And because it is found throughout different cultures and belief systems suggests that much of what we view as morality and ethics are innate to the human mind. But what are we born with, and what do we learn from culture? Is the golden rule necessary for successful social groups, so that cultures with the golden rule are more successful that ones that don’t have it? These two questions are fundamental to how we educate, particularly in a method such as Montessori’s that has such a strong moral dimension.

Maria Montessori herself came from a strong catholic background, but the success of her approach in so many different cultures does argue that, at least for the younger kids, the innate aspects of morality and needs of the child are most important. By the time students get to the Middle School, however, the influence of the local culture has become much more important.

Morality and culture affect students’ motivations and behavior, yet much of what is considered acceptable in many cultures conflict with the core Montessori principles of respect for oneself and for others. Much of popular American culture for example, is driven by television where moral messages can be decidedly mixed. How often is it appropriate to use violence (or even torture)? Television shows give decidedly different answers from Montessori. But there are many other, more subtle differences. As Montessori educators we will be faced with the question of what to do when Montessori philosophy differs from the beliefs of the student, their family and the larger culture.

My thoughts are that the “cosmic education” that is a part of the Montessori method should be based on the “universal” aspects of morality that can be shown to make for successful individuals and societies. Some interesting work by Jonathan Haidt at the University of Virginia looks at how certain systems of morality have contributed to the success of societies. As Nicholas Wade summarizes:

… natural selection and the survival of the fittest may seem to reward only the most selfish values. But for animals that live in groups, selfishness must be strictly curbed or there will be no advantage to social living. Could the behaviors evolved by social animals to make societies work be the foundation from which human morality evolved?

Haidt suggests there are “five innate and universally available psychological systems” of ethics, and different cultures add stories, virtues and ways of policing these ethics. The Moral Foundations Theory website has a good summary of the five systems, harm/care, fairness, loyalty, authority/respect and purity/sanctity.  In a beautiful example of adding transparency and technology to scientific research, he even has a page for challenges to the theory. Each of the moral foundations these deserves separate consideration of how they evolved, how they benefit society, and how they mesh with Montessori philosophy.

Nicholas Wade has a good article on the subject and on Haidt’s work in the New York Times.

Nuclear Winter and MAD

Almost every time I discuss protons, neutrons and the nucleus of an atom, or at least so my students complain, I end up talking about nuclear fission and fusion and nuclear weapons. If the discussion goes on long enough I tend to bring up the cold war and how the fear of mutually assured destruction (MAD) reduced the chance of a hot war. I don’t often get into how the explosions from a nuclear exchange could put so much dust into the upper atmosphere that it blocks the sunlight and create a nuclear winter that would affect life all around the world. A nuclear winter that would have an effect similar to the winter created by the asteroid impact that lead to the extinction of the dinosaurs.

The danger of nuclear weapons have not, unfortunately, gone away. There is a facinating article in Scientific American on how even a “small” nuclear war could have global consequences. They have a great quote from Mikhail S. Gorbachev about how,

“Models made by Russian and American scientists showed that a nuclear war would result in a nuclear winter that would be extremely destructive to all life on earth; the knowledge of that was a great stimulus to us, to people of honor and morality, to act.”

The major finding of the research in the article is that even a small nuclear war, such as between India and Pakistan, could lead to a significant global nuclear winter.

I like to take every chance I get to tie natural and social world concepts together. It’s one of the things I enjoy most about teaching in an interdisciplinary Montessori classroom. There is a beautiful and scary story here about how the science of the infinitesimally small has had a fundamental effect on the major geopolitical conflict of the latter half of the 20th century, and continues to affect us today.

Human? nature

Morality in our genes
Morality in our genes

To follow up on the previous post on the evolutionary benefits of kindness, this essay by Marc Hauser describes some of the science that indicates that morality is innate. Not religious affiliation, gender, nationality nor political views affect how people respond to moral dilemmas.

“We tend to see actions as worse than omissions of actions.” People tend to believe that deliberately hurting a healthy person to save one or more others is morally repugnant if the others would only be hurt by your inaction.

Diverse China

Ethnic Mongol. Image from China Hush.

An interesting gallery of family portraits of the 56 ethnic groups in China. With traditional dress, instruments, and sometimes even animals, these pictures really show the ethnic and cultural diversity in a place that we often see as a single, uniform country. The differences in dress also demonstrate the climatic and geographic diversity of the country.

The images are from the book, “Harmonious China: A Sketch of China’s 56 Ethnicities” by photographer Chen Haiwen. Smaller sized images are posted at chinahush.com.

Robert’s Rules

Running community meetings is always a challenge, and one that gets more difficult with increasing numbers of students. Robert’s Rules are one approach that may be a bit formal but can be very useful for minimizing disruption and efficiently running meetings. It’s also a good idea for students to have a taste of parliamentary procedure.

There are the books (they sell the full, updated version as well as an abbreviated, “brief” version), but you can find the original for free (published in 1915 it’s well out of copyright, and some free basic primers online.

In Robert’s Rules, the order of precedence for things you can vote on is important. This handy table is quite useful.

The question remains, however, do I buy a gavel?

Food fight

Although we eschew warfare as a means resolving differences, this video, which “is an abridged history of American-centric war, from World War II to present day, told through the foods of the countries in conflict”, provides a fascinating perspective on the world. It comes from the Food Fight website.

The key to the different food characters will probably be useful for those less familiar with American history. Watching it without the key might also be useful if you’re interested in discussing metaphors, which should become extremely obvious when you get to the World Trade Centers.

I’m really curious too see how the mini-demographic groups respond to this video. I can predict that some of the more video game (FPS) infatuated students will love this. But how will my more food oriented students react?

Free documentaries online

The website http://www.freedocumentaries.org/ has a large number of political documentaries available for free download. Although they seem to be mostly from the perspective of the left (and some seem to come from quite far to the left), there are a number of interesting titles dealing with human rights and the media. A few titles pop out (that I’ve heard are good but have not yet seen myself):

You can also find more free documentaries at: