New York Mayor on Climate

Just a few days after the devastation of Hurricane Sandy, New York mayor Michael Bloomberg considered the role of climate change:

… The floods and fires that swept through our city left a path of destruction that will require years of recovery and rebuilding work. And in the short term, our subway system remains partially shut down, and many city residents and businesses still have no power. In just 14 months, two hurricanes have forced us to evacuate neighborhoods – something our city government had never done before. If this is a trend, it is simply not sustainable.

Our climate is changing. And while the increase in extreme weather we have experienced in New York City and around the world may or may not be the result of it, the risk that it might be – given this week’s devastation – should compel all elected leaders to take immediate action.

Here in New York, our comprehensive sustainability plan – PlaNYC – has helped allow us to cut our carbon footprint by 16 percent in just five years, which is the equivalent of eliminating the carbon footprint of a city twice the size of Seattle. Through the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group – a partnership among many of the world’s largest cities – local governments are taking action where national governments are not.

But we can’t do it alone. We need leadership from the White House – and over the past four years, President Barack Obama has taken major steps to reduce our carbon consumption, including setting higher fuel-efficiency standards for cars and trucks. His administration also has adopted tighter controls on mercury emissions, which will help to close the dirtiest coal power plants (an effort I have supported through my philanthropy), which are estimated to kill 13,000 Americans a year.

Mitt Romney, too, has a history of tackling climate change. As governor of Massachusetts, he signed on to a regional cap- and-trade plan designed to reduce carbon emissions 10 percent below 1990 levels. “The benefits (of that plan) will be long- lasting and enormous – benefits to our health, our economy, our quality of life, our very landscape. These are actions we can and must take now, if we are to have ‘no regrets’ when we transfer our temporary stewardship of this Earth to the next generation,” he wrote at the time.

— Michael R. Bloomberg, 2012: A Vote for a President to Lead on Climate Change in

The Dish

While NPR has an article on a proposed, multi-billion dollar, offshore barrier to prevent the storm surge.

Since we’re talking about environmental economics at the moment, I played the interview, had my students read the Bloomberg excerpt, and then provoked a discussion of the value of human life with the question, “If the proposed $10 billion project could save 50 lives, would it be worth it?”

To keep the discussion focused I asked them to ignore all the other possible benefits of the barrier.

It’s a really tricky issue to deal with, but we ended up talking about how the U.S. government estimates the monetary value of human life. According to a recent New York Times article, values range from $6.1 million (Dept. of Transportation) to $9.1 million (EPA).

The business community historically has pushed for regulators to put a dollar value on life, part of a broader campaign to make agencies prove that the benefits of proposed regulations exceed the costs.

But some business groups are reconsidering the effectiveness of cost-benefit analysis as a check on regulations. The United States Chamber of Commerce is now campaigning for Congress to assert greater control over the rule-making process, reflecting a judgment that formulas may offer less reliable protection than politicians.

Some consumer groups, meanwhile, find themselves cheering the government’s results but reluctant to embrace the method. Advocates for increased regulation have long argued that cost-benefit analysis understates both the value of life and the benefits of government oversight.

— Appelbaum (2011): As U.S. Agencies Put More Value on a Life, Businesses Fret in the New York Times.

The Wooly Bears Predict a Mild Winter

Rescued Wooly Bear Caterpillar.

The size of the reddish-brown band on wooly bear caterpillars, Pyrrharctia isabella, is supposed to predict the severity of the winter. A wider band the milder the winter.

This specimen, rescued off the road next to the Audubon Center on the road to Confluence State Park, seems to suggest a mild winter.

Rescuing a Wooly Bear.

Evidence of Wild Horses

From horses?

Out along the Current River, we found evidence of large, vegetarian animals (see above). When we described the feces to our guide, he suspected that they might be from one of the small herds of wild horses that roam the area.

The story goes, that when the government acquired the lands for the Current River Conservation Area and changed the rules about what could be done in the area, horses were released in protest by the local farmers.

(From our Eminence Immersion)

Fixing the Voting System

C.G.P.Grey lays out the problems with the U.S.A’s current “first past the post/winner take all” voting system and then explains how to fix them:

The problems:

  • Minority rule: You can win with less than half the vote (at least in the beginning).
  • Inevitable, unavoidable, two-party system evolves over time.
  • Third-parties become spoilers; the better a third-party does the worse it is for their voters because it takes away votes from the other party they would favor.

The solutions:

1. The Alternative Vote/Instant Runoff.

2. Mixed Member Proportional Representation.

DarwinTunes: Watching Music Evolve

Take randomly generated sound waves (using sine curves for example), mix them together to get beats, and then let people decide which ones sound best. Let the best ones mate — add in small mutations — and wait a few thousand generations for the sound patterns to evolve into music.

That’s what DarwinTunes does, and they let you participate in the artificial selection process (artificial as opposed to natural selection).

The details are included in their article: Evolution of music by public choice by MacCallum et al. (2012).

Reasons to Study Algebra: Economics

I hope you think that I am an acceptable writer, but when it comes to economics I speak English as a second language: I think in equations and diagrams, then translate.

— Krugman (1996): Economic Culture Wars in Slate

I sometimes get the question: Why do I have to learn algebra? Followed by the statement: I’m never going to have to use it again. My response is that it’s a bit like learning to read; you can survive in society being illiterate, but it’s not easy. The same goes for algebra, but it’s a little more complex.

Paul Krugman argues for the importance of algebra for anyone thinking about economics, the economy, and what to do about it. Even at the basic level, economists think in mathematical equations and algebraic models, then they have to translate their thoughts into English to communicate them. People who are not familiar with algebra are at a distinct advantage.

There are important ideas … that can be expressed in plain English, and there are plenty of fools doing fancy mathematical models. But there are also important ideas that are crystal clear if you can stand algebra, and very difficult to grasp if you can’t. [my emphasis] International trade in particular happens to be a subject in which a page or two of algebra and diagrams is worth 10 volumes of mere words. That is why it is the particular subfield of economics in which the views of those who understand the subject and those who do not diverge most sharply.

— Krugman (1996): Economic Culture Wars in Slate

P.S. In the article, he also points out the importance of algebra in the field of evolutionary biology.

Serious evolutionary theorists such as John Maynard Smith or William Hamilton, like serious economists, think largely in terms of mathematical models. Indeed, the introduction to Maynard Smith’s classic tract Evolutionary Genetics flatly declares, “If you can’t stand algebra, stay away from evolutionary biology.” There is a core set of crucial ideas in his subject that, because they involve the interaction of several different factors, can only be clearly understood by someone willing to sit still for a bit of math.
