Resonance Frequencies: MythBusters investigate Tesla’s Earthquake Machine

The whole episode is worth watching, but this little section (at 10:52) of MythBusters’ attempt to build an earthquake machine there demonstrate the resonance frequency in a water tank provides a nice visualization.

Music of the Fibonacci Sequence

Tool‘s Lateralus has the Fibonacci Sequence embedded into it. Ms. Wilson tells me that some of her Algebra II students were able to detect it out after listening to the song (a few times), but this video has the highlights where the sequence occurs.

Ms. Wilson

Daniel Pink on Motivation

Take home message: As soon as someone’s paid enough that money is no longer an issue, paying them more (or giving bonuses) can even have a negative effect on their performance on anything that requires higher level thought.

Which suggests that if we take grades out of the equation kids will learn more?

Audio from Daniel Pink’s TED talk on motivation.

Mrs. D.