Another, excellent example showing the scale of the universe (only goes the size of the hydrogen atom though: this one goes a bit deeper).
The Universe made possible by Number Sleuth
Middle and High School … from a Montessori Point of View
Another, excellent example showing the scale of the universe (only goes the size of the hydrogen atom though: this one goes a bit deeper).
The Universe made possible by Number Sleuth
10 seconds of consciousness, and 90 seconds for “minimal permanent injury”. Andrew Tarantola summarizes the actual science of What Really Happens When You Get Sucked Out of an Airlock.
Some degree of consciousness will probably be retained for 9 to 11 seconds (see chapter 2 under Hypoxia). In rapid sequence thereafter, paralysis will be followed by generalized convulsions and paralysis once again. During this time, water vapor will form rapidly in the soft tissues and somewhat less rapidly in the venous blood. This evolution of water vapor will cause marked swelling of the body to perhaps twice its normal volume unless it is restrained by a pressure suit.
— Parker and West (1973): Bioastronautics Data Book: Second Edition. NASA SP-3006.
This is a question I occasionally get from students, so it’s good know where to find the studies, even though much of the evidence comes from accidents that happened to astronauts and cosmonauts.
2 billion years from now, the Milky Way will collide with the Andromeda Galaxy. This video from NASA shows a simulation (it also talks about star formation and the creation of the elements during intergalactic collisions).
I’ve figured out how to put latex equations into this WordPress website, but have been struggling trying to get it on my other math based web pages, like the parabolas page.
Now, however, I’ve discovered CodeCogs, which provides an excellent Equation Editor that allows the inclusion of latex equations on any website (html page).
The following are my notes for the exercise that resulted in the Oil Traps and Deltas in the Sandbox post.
Crude oil is extracted from layers of sand that can be deep beneath the land surface, but it was not created there. Oil comes from organic material, dead plants and animals, that sink to the bottom of the ocean or large lakes. Since organic material is not very dense, it only reaches the bottom of ocean in calm places where there are not a lot of currents or waves that can mix it back into the water. In these calm places, other very small particles like clay can also settle down.
Over time, millions of years, this material gets buried beneath other sediments, compressing it and heating it up. Together the organic material and the clay form a type of sedimentary rock called shale. As the shale gets buried deeper and deeper and it gets hotter and hotter, and the organic matter gets cooked which causes it to release the chemical we know as natural gas (methane) and the mixture of organic chemicals we call crude oil (see the formation of oil and natural gas).
Shale beds tend to be pretty tightly packed, and they slowly release the oil and natural gas into the layers of sediment around them. If these layers are made of sandstone, where there is much more space for fluids to move between the grains of sand, the hydrocarbons will flow along the beds until they are trapped (Figure 2).
In this exercise, we will use the wave tank to simulate the formation of the geologic layers that produce oil.
For your observations, you will sketch what happens to the delta in the tank every time something significant changes.
1. How did changing the water level affect the formation of the delta.
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2. When you excavated the trench, did you observe the layers of different colored sand in the delta? Draw a diagram showing what you observed. Describe what you observed here.
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3. Was this a realistic simulation of the way oil reservoirs are formed. Please describe all of the things you think are accurate, and all of the things you think are not realistic?
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When organic material is buried it is compressed and “cooked” because the deeper you go beneath the surface of the earth the hotter it gets. This causes the breakdown of the organic matter and the production natural gas and oil. The stages of decomposition are:
A billion, in continental Europe is, a million squared ( 1,000,0002 = 1,000,000,000,000), but in the English speaking world, a billion is only a thousand million (1,000,000,000). numberphile goes into the beautiful, mathematical logic of the longer form (i.e. the continental system).
Of course, the “simplest” system, which avoids all the potential for miscommunication, is the standard scientific notation, where 1,000,000,000 is written as 1×109 (or just 109).