Finding Where Two Lines Intersect: Khan Academy Lessons

Khan Academy videos on how to solve systems of linear equations:

Use a graphing calculator to double check your lines, or use WolframAlpha, or use my simple line grapher.

by Graphing

Video: Solving Linear Systems by Graphing

Most algebra texts have good problem sets for practice (Khan Academy does not – as yet).

by Substitution

Moving from the more intuitive, visual, graphical method of solution to the more exact algebraic methods, we start with solving by substitution.

Video: Solving Linear Systems by Substitution

Practice Set: Practicing Systems of equations with substitution

by Elimination

Video: Solving Systems of Equations by Elimination

Additional Video: Solving systems by elimination 2 (on YouTube).

Additional Video: Solving systems by elimination 3 (on YouTube).

Practice Set: Practicing Systems of equations with simple elimination

The Mathematical Logic Behind Billions, Trillions and Standard Form

A billion, in continental Europe is, a million squared ( 1,000,0002 = 1,000,000,000,000), but in the English speaking world, a billion is only a thousand million (1,000,000,000). numberphile goes into the beautiful, mathematical logic of the longer form (i.e. the continental system).

Of course, the “simplest” system, which avoids all the potential for miscommunication, is the standard scientific notation, where 1,000,000,000 is written as 1×109 (or just 109).

The Dish

Resonance Frequencies: MythBusters investigate Tesla’s Earthquake Machine

The whole episode is worth watching, but this little section (at 10:52) of MythBusters’ attempt to build an earthquake machine there demonstrate the resonance frequency in a water tank provides a nice visualization.

Landing the Mars Rover: 7 Minutes of Terror

NASA gets dramatic. But the drama is oh so appropriate when you see what they have to do to land a rover on Mars. There are so many steps to the landing — heat shields, atmospheric friction, parachute, rockets — that it’ll be amazing if it works, and the video is a wonderful “strike the imagination” introduction to the physics of forces.