Quantum mechanics – things you should know

Diffraction of light through a grating. Image from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PatronRefraccionCD.jpg

The way sub-atomic particles behave is weird. They don’t fit very well into our everyday experience of the world, but the math and the experimental observations hold up. Chad Orzel has an interesting post on the seven things everyone should know about quantum physics that’s written in language a lay person can understand. This does not make the concepts much easier to grasp intuitively, because, as I mentioned before, quantum mechanics is weird, but it does explain things so we can begin to grasp the big picture of how the universe works. It also helps explain why they’re building the Large Haldron Collider. So though you may not know the answers, you’ll at least have an idea about what it’s about when your students ask.

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