Worm Eating Warbler

A Worm Eating Warbler.

A Worm Eating Warbler flew into the glass window where the middle school students were taking their annual standardized test. It did not survive.

My students tell me that the same thing happened last year. Now I’m wondering just how often it happens, and if I should start a daily survey.

Curiously, despite their name, these birds rarely eat worms, they prefer insects and spiders.

(Thanks to Scott Woodbury for help with the identification.)

The School’s Campus

The diverse ecosystems on the TFS campus — from the creek to the grassy school grounds to the reforesting slope to the forested ridge — are well shown in this sketch. Diagram by C.J. (used with permission).

I think that one of the reasons I really like this diagram is because it places the school as a small piece in a much larger ecological context. A student in my Environmental Science class drew it for an assignment. We’d hiked all the way from the creek to the ridge in the company of Scott Woodbury from the Shaw Nature Center, and I asked them to draw a diagram showing the different ecological regions. I’d expected top down maps, which is what almost all the other students did. When I asked why the perspective view, she said just didn’t know how to draw trees from the top down.