The Big Bang

Good blogging style, like good presentations, should be multi-modal. On the internet we’re limited to text, images and sound/video so we do the best we can. I tend to be text oriented so I try to add an image to each post. In an earlier post on how science works I snagged an image by cédric sorel that he contributed to Wikipedia.

Artist's impression of the Big Bang. By cédric sorel:

Each time I see this interpretation of the Big Bang I am astonished once again. The textures give the impression of a three-dimensional cut-away, and the detail in the spiral galaxies swirling away from the center just pulls my attention like a strong magnet lines up iron filings.

The image is in the public domain and a high resolution version can be found on the Wikimedia Commons page (

The future of SketchUp

World Builder from BranitVFX on Vimeo.

Google’s SketchUp software is a great way to work on, and test, higher level geometry skills. This video is a well made, poignant introduction to what software like SketchUp could one day become. It has excellent story development, and has produced a great response from my students.