Daniel Pink on Motivation

Take home message: As soon as someone’s paid enough that money is no longer an issue, paying them more (or giving bonuses) can even have a negative effect on their performance on anything that requires higher level thought.

Which suggests that if we take grades out of the equation kids will learn more?

Audio from Daniel Pink’s TED talk on motivation.

Mrs. D.

Morphing Art History

by Micaël Reynaud.

This amazing morphing of old masterpieces by Micaël Reynaud is worth enlarging. Warning: it’s about 10 Mb and you might just have to keep focused on the eyes to avoid motion sickness.

It’s similar to Philip Scott Johnson video below (you can find information about the artworks used here).

Micaël Reynaud mlkshk.com The Dish.

The Algebra of Straight Lines

A quick graphical calculator for straight lines — based on This. It’s still incomplete, but it’s functional, and a useful complement to the equation of a straight line animation and the parabola graphing.

You can graph lines based on the equation of a line (in either the slope-intercept or point-slope forms), or from two points.


Straight Lines

Slope-Intercept Form Two Points Point-Slope Form

y = m x + b

(x1, y1) =
( ,

y – y1 = m ( x – x1)
y =
x +

(x2, y2) =
( ,
y –
( x –

x intercept:


y intercept:


Your browser does not support the canvas element.

[script type=”text/javascript”]

var width=500;
var height=500;
var xrange=10;
var yrange=10;

mx = width/(2.0*xrange);
bx = width/2.0;
my = -height/(2.0*yrange);
by = height/2.0;

document.getElementById(‘testing’).innerHTML = “Hello2”;

function draw_9359(ctx, polys) {

//ctx.fillText (“t=”+t, xp(5), yp(5));



//ctx.fillText (polys[0].get_parabola_vertex_form_eqn(), xp(5), yp(-5) );

if (show_2pts_ctrl_9359.checked==true) {
polys[0].circle_point(ctx, polys[0].p1.x, polys[0].p1.y, “#000”, 0.15);
polys[0].label_point_on_line(ctx, polys[0].p1.x, polys[0].p1.y);
polys[0].circle_point(ctx, polys[0].p2.x, polys[0].p2.y, “#000”, 0.15);
polys[0].label_point_on_line(ctx, polys[0].p2.x, polys[0].p2.y);


if (show_y_intercept_ctrl_9359.checked==true) {
document.getElementById(‘y_intercept_pos_9359’).innerHTML = “( 0 , “+ polys_9359[0].c.toPrecision(2)+ ” )”;

if (polys[0].b > 0.0) {
xoff = -0.5;
else {
xoff = 0.5;
ctx.fillText (‘y intercept: y = ‘+polys[0].c.toPrecision(2), xp(xoff), yp(polys_9359[0].c+0.25));

} else { document.getElementById(‘y_intercept_pos_9359’).innerHTML = “”;}

if (show_slope_ctrl_9359.checked==true) {
document.getElementById(‘slope_pos_9359’).innerHTML = ” = “+polys[0].b.toPrecision(2);

} else { document.getElementById(‘slope_pos_9359’).innerHTML = “”;}

document.getElementById(‘slope_int_equation_9359’).innerHTML = polys[0].get_eqn2();

if (show_intercepts_ctrl_9359.checked==true) {
if (polys[0].order == 2) {
if (polys[0].x_intcpts.length > 0) {
line = “0 = “;
for (var i=0; i 0.0) { sign=”-“;} else {sign=”+”;}
line = line + “(x “+sign+” “+ Math.abs(polys[0].x_intcpts[i].toPrecision(2))+ “)”;
ctx.fillText (line, xp(6), yp(7));
for (var i=0; i 0) {
if (polys[0].b > 0.0) {
xoff = -0.5;
else {
xoff = 0.5;
ctx.font = “12pt Calibri”;
ctx.fillStyle = “#00f”;
ctx.fillText (‘x intercept: x = ‘+polys[0].x_intcpts[0].toPrecision(2), xp(polys[0].x_intcpts[0]+xoff), yp(0.5));
document.getElementById(‘intercepts_pos_9359’).innerHTML = “( “+ polys[0].x_intcpts[0].toPrecision(2) + “, 0 )”;
else {
ctx.fillText (‘None’, xp(7), yp(7));


else {
document.getElementById(‘intercepts_pos_9359’).innerHTML = ” “;

// Finding the slope
outln = “

Finding the Slope

outln += “

The slope of the line between the two points is the rise divided by the run: the change in elevation divided by the horizontal distance between the points.”;

// Write out intercept solution
outln = “

Finding the x-intercept

outln += “

Start with the slope-intercept form of the equation:”;
outln += “

outln += “

Know that at the x-intercept, y = 0 , which you substitute into the equation to get:”;
outln += “

outln += “

Now move the b coefficient to the other side of the equation:”;
outln += “

     “+(-polys[0].c).toPrecision(2)+” = “+ polys[0].b.toPrecision(2)+”x”+”“;
outln += “

And divide both sides by the slope to solve for x:”;
outln += “

     “+(-polys[0].c).toPrecision(2)+ ” / “+ polys[0].b.toPrecision(2) + ” = “+ polys[0].b.toPrecision(2)+”x”+ ” / “+ polys[0].b.toPrecision(2)+”“;
outln += “

     “+(-polys[0].c/polys[0].b).toPrecision(2)+” = “+”x”+”“;
outln += “

Therefore, the line intercepts the x axis at the point:”;
outln += “

     ( “+(-polys[0].c/polys[0].b).toPrecision(2)+” , 0 )”;
outln += “

outln += “

     “+”x = “+ (-polys[0].c/polys[0].b).toPrecision(2) +”“;

document.getElementById(‘x_intercept_9359’).innerHTML = outln;

//Write out the solution by factoring
solution = “

Finding the y-intercept

if (polys[0].order == 2) {
solution = solution + “y = “+polys[0].a.toPrecision(2)+” x2 “+polys[0].bsign+” “+Math.abs(polys[0].b.toPrecision(2))+” x “+ polys[0].csign+” “+Math.abs(polys[0].c.toPrecision(2))+”


solution = solution + ‘Factoring:      ‘;

if (polys[0].x_intcpts.length > 0) {
solution = solution + ‘0 = ‘;
for (var i=0; i 0.0) { sign=”-“;} else {sign=”+”;}
solution = solution + “(x “+sign+” “+ Math.abs(polys[0].x_intcpts[i].toPrecision(2))+ “)”;
solution = solution + ‘

solution = solution + ‘Set each factor equal to zero:
for (var i=0; i 0.0) { sign=”-“;} else {sign=”+”;}
solution = solution + “x “+sign+” “+ Math.abs(polys[0].x_intcpts[i].toPrecision(2))+ ” = 0           “;
solution = solution + ‘

and solve for x:
for (var i=0; i‘;
document.getElementById(‘equation_9359’).innerHTML = solution;

else if (polys[0].order == 1) {
solution = solution + ‘

At the y-axis x = 0.
To find the y intercept, take the equation of the line, set x = 0, and solve for x.’;
solution = solution + ‘

solution = solution + “y = “+” “+Math.abs(polys[0].b.toPrecision(2))+” x “+ polys[0].csign+” “+Math.abs(polys[0].c.toPrecision(2))+”

solution = solution + ‘     ‘;
solution = solution + ” 0 = “+” “+Math.abs(polys[0].b.toPrecision(2))+” x “+ polys[0].csign+” “+Math.abs(polys[0].c.toPrecision(2))+”

solution = solution + ‘     ‘;
solution = solution + (-1.0*polys[0].c).toPrecision(2) +” = “+” “+Math.abs(polys[0].b.toPrecision(2))+” x “+”

solution = solution + ‘     ‘;
solution = solution + (-1.0*polys[0].c).toPrecision(2)+”/”+polys[0].b.toPrecision(2)+” = “+” x “+”

solution = solution + ‘     ‘;
solution = solution + “x = “+ (-1.0*polys[0].c/polys[0].b).toPrecision(4)+”


document.getElementById(‘equation_9359’).innerHTML = solution;



function update_form_9359 () {
b_coeff_9359.value = polys_9359[0].b+””;
c_coeff_9359.value = polys_9359[0].c+””;

y1_coeff_9359.value = polys_9359[0].y1+””;
b1_coeff_9359.value = polys_9359[0].b+””;
x1_coeff_9359.value = polys_9359[0].x1+””;

p1_x_9359.value = polys_9359[0].p1.x+””;
p1_y_9359.value = polys_9359[0].p1.y+””;
p2_x_9359.value = polys_9359[0].p2.x+””;
p2_y_9359.value = polys_9359[0].p2.y+””;


var c_9359=document.getElementById(“myCanvas_9359”);
var ctx_9359=c_9359.getContext(“2d”);

var change = 0.0001;

function create_lines_9359 () {
//draw line
//document.write(“hello world! “);
var polys = [];
polys.push(addPoly(0,2, 3));
document.getElementById(‘testing’).innerHTML = “Hello”;
document.getElementById(‘testing’).innerHTML = “Hello4″;

// polys[1].color = ‘#8C8’;

return polys;

var polys_9359 = create_lines_9359();

var x1=xp(-10);
var y1=yp(1);
var x2=xp(10);
var y2=yp(1);
var dc_9359=0.05;

var t_9359 = 0;
var dt_9359 = 100;
//end_ct = 0;
var st_pt_x_9359 = 2;
var st_pt_y_9359 = 1;
var show_y_intercept_9359 = 1; //1 to show y intercept on startup
var show_intercepts_9359 = 0; // 1 to show the intercepts
var show_slope_9359 = 0; // 1 to show the slope
var show_2pts_9359 = 0; // 1 to show the two points from which line can be calculated

var move_dir_9359 = 1.0; // 1 for up

//document.getElementById(‘comment_spot’).innerHTML = polys_9359[0].a+” “+polys_9359[0].b+” “+polys_9359[0].c+” : “+polys_9359[0].h+” “+polys_9359[0].k+” “;

document.getElementById(‘testing’).innerHTML = “Hello3”;

//slope-intercept form
var b_coeff_9359 = document.getElementById(“b_coeff_9359”);
var c_coeff_9359 = document.getElementById(“c_coeff_9359”);

//point-slope form
var y1_coeff_9359 = document.getElementById(“y1_coeff_9359”);
var b1_coeff_9359 = document.getElementById(“b1_coeff_9359”);
var x1_coeff_9359 = document.getElementById(“x1_coeff_9359”);

//equation from two points
var p1_x_9359 = document.getElementById(“x1_9359”);
var p1_y_9359 = document.getElementById(“y1_9359”);
var p2_x_9359 = document.getElementById(“x2_9359”);
var p2_y_9359 = document.getElementById(“y2_9359”);

var show_y_intercept_ctrl_9359 = document.getElementById(“show_y_intercept_9359”);
if (show_y_intercept_9359 == 0) {show_y_intercept_ctrl_9359.checked=false;
} else {show_y_intercept_ctrl_9359.checked=true;}

var show_intercepts_ctrl_9359 = document.getElementById(“show_intercepts_9359”);
if (show_intercepts_9359 == 0) {show_intercepts_ctrl_9359.checked=false;
} else {show_intercepts_ctrl_9359.checked=true;}

var show_slope_ctrl_9359 = document.getElementById(“show_slope_9359”);
if (show_slope_9359 == 0) {show_slope_ctrl_9359.checked=false;
} else {show_slope_ctrl_9359.checked=true;}

var show_2pts_ctrl_9359 = document.getElementById(“show_pts_9359”);
if (show_2pts_9359 == 0) {show_2pts_ctrl_9359.checked=false;
} else {show_2pts_ctrl_9359.checked=true;}


//document.write(“test= “+c_coeff_9359.value+” “+polys_9359[0].c);
setInterval(“draw_9359(ctx_9359, polys_9359)”, dt_9359);

b_coeff_9359.onchange = function() {
c_coeff_9359.onchange = function() {
//polys_9359[0].c = parseFloat(this.value);

y1_coeff_9359.onchange = function() {
//polys_9359[0].a = parseFloat(this.value);
polys_9359[0].y1 = parseFloat(this.value);

b1_coeff_9359.onchange = function() {

x1_coeff_9359.onchange = function() {
polys_9359[0].x1 = parseFloat(this.value);

p1_x_9359.onchange = function() {
polys_9359[0].p1.x = parseFloat(this.value);

p2_x_9359.onchange = function() {
polys_9359[0].p2.x = parseFloat(this.value);

p1_y_9359.onchange = function() {
polys_9359[0].p1.y = parseFloat(this.value);

p2_y_9359.onchange = function() {
polys_9359[0].p2.y = parseFloat(this.value);

//ctx_9359.fillText (“n=”, xp(5), yp(5));



The Search for a New Earth

This NASA video updates us on the search for Earth-like planets around other stars. It overviews what’s been found, and outlines some upcoming missions.

The key to finding a planet hospitable to life (as we know it) is finding one with water at the surface. We’ve found large waterworlds that are too large and hot, with “thick, steamy atmosphere[s]”.

We’ve also found Earth-sized planets but they’re, mostly, too close to their stars to support liquid water, and it’s hard to tell what their atmospheres are like because they’re so far away. One of NASA’s upcoming missions, one will look at the light reflected off Earth-sized planets to determine the composition of atmospheres: the technique is called transit spectroscopy, and is based on detecting the emission spectra of the gasses in the atmosphere.

Science@NASA Pale Blue Blog

How to Write a Research Paper

An excellent series by the American Chemical Society starts with the basics of, “How to Write a Paper to Communicate Your Research,” but also addresses the question of why publish your research. It ought to help my students understand why I’m so insistent on lab reports.

ACS Publishing Pale Blue Blog

Learning Differences that Matter

Cedar Riener and Daniel Willingham expand on the argument (previously discussed here and here) that learning styles do not exist. They do not, however, deny that different people learn differently and this needs to be taken into account in teaching.

Real differences that affect learning:

  • Different talents: “[W]hether we call it talent, ability, or intelligence, people vary in their capacity to learn different areas of content.” ( Riener and Willingham, 2012). Some of this is probably genetic, while some of it is probably due of nuture., which leads to:
  • Different interests: Students with an interest in a subject are more motivated to learn and will learn it faster.
  • Different background knowledge: Student retain more then they are able to fit new knowledge into an existing mental scaffolding.
  • Learning disabilities: There are neurological differences that result in things like dyslexia that have a strong influence on how some students learn.

Riener and Willingham argue that while students do have preferences for ways they learn (visual vs. auditory vs. kinesthetic etc.) these have no real effect students’ learning. Information should be presented in ways that are appropriate to the content:

If I were to tell you “I want to teach you something. Would you rather learn it by seeing a slideshow, reading it as text, hearing it as a podcast, or enacting it in a series of movements,” do you think you could answer without first asking what you were to learn—a dance, a piece of music, or an equation? While it may seem like a silly example, the claim of the learning styles approach is that one could make such a choice and improve one’s learning through that choice, independent of content.

We all agree that some kids show more interest in math, some start their education more interested in poetry, and others are more interested in dodgeball. The proof that the learning-styles theorist must find is that for some sort of content—whether it be math, poetry, or dodgeball—changing the mode of presentation to match the learning styles helps people learn. That evidence has simply not been found.

Riener and Willingham, 2012: The Myth of Learning Styles in Change, The Magazine of Higher Learning.

Finally, they assert that, “it is a waste of time to assess learning styles rather than, for instance, background knowledge.”

Still, even with learning styles taken out of the equation, it seems to me that presenting information in multiple modes remains beneficial. It forces the teacher to approach the subject matter from different perspectives, and presents students with multiple opportunities to encounter information in a way that would fit into their existing knowledge scaffolding. However, it is useful to recognize that we don’t have to force ourselves too fit content into incongruent learning styles (although that in itself might be a useful mental exercise for the teacher, or a good way for students to demonstrate that they can apply their knowledge into other domains).

The Dish

The Elements of Creativity

The elements that contribute to creativity.

Jonah Lehrer’s has an excellent interview on Fresh Air about his new book on how creativity works, called Imagine.

There are three key components:

  • Relaxed state of mind: Like when you’re in the shower and your mind is free to wander. It’s another reason not to be afraid of a little boredom, and setting aside personal time time in the day.
  • Hard work: But the relaxed mind needs to have something to work with, and that’s all the hard work that came before. When you’re relaxed the mind processes things in different ways, it mulls over the things you’ve been thinking of, and makes unexpected connections.
  • Uninhibited, childlike perspective: You need to allow your brain the opportunity to be creative. All the hard work requires good focus and persistence; things the pre-frontal cortex develops the ability to do (and something we train it to do) during adolescence. But the ultimate, creative insight often requires you to turn off that part of the brain so you can thing uninhibited, creative thoughts.