Scale of the Universe: 62 Orders of Magnitude (1062)

Scale of the Universe 2, by Cary and Michael Huang. WARNING: look out for ads on the site.

In a modern variant on the Powers of Ten video, Cary and Michael Huang have created an excellent flash game that spans the scale of the universe, from the smallest, only hypothesized particles, through atomic, human, planetary, and galactic scales (to name a but a few), to the size of the universe itself. It goes further than the Cell Size and Scale flash app.

The link is here, but look out for an advertisement that takes up the game window, which will eventually let you through (or you can click the “Skip Ad” link on the bottom right of the ad).

Will the New Arab Democracies Survive?

The key countries at the heart of the Arab Spring: Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya. Image adapted from Wikimedia Commons User:Danalm000.

What are the chances that the revolutions of the Arab Spring succeed at creating democracies? According to a regression model created Jay Ulfelder: maybe.

[T]he probability that each of those new democracies would make it to their sixth birthday…:

  • Tunisia: 82%
  • Egypt: 48%
  • Libya: 89%

Ulfelder’s blog post is worth the read. It’s an excellent (if somewhat technical) example of how to do (and write up) some quick research, and how the ability to blog is changing the way scientists share ideas, and get feedback (check out the comments section).

FOIL: Multiplying Factors


Multiplying out two factors can be a little tricky. The FOIL mnemonic is a quick method when you have two terms in each factor, such as in:

(a + b)(a + b)

FOIL stands for:

  • Firsts,
  • Outer,
  • Inner,
  • Lasts.

It applies to the multiplication of the binomial cube.

Multiplying out factors using FOIL.

Another way of showing the process — step by step — would be like this:

Multiplying factors using FOIL.

After FOILing you combine the similar terms:

Combining like terms to get the final result.

How to do Research on the Internet: A Lesson

This morning I did a little presentation with the middle school on how to do research on the internet, and we actually had a very good discussion. I focused on two key things: assessing credibility and writing citations (giving credit).


[Henry] Hudson’s main goal as an explorer was to find a northern passage to the Orient. … He started his journey in May of 1607 and returned in September of the same year when his route was blocked by the Great Barrier Reef.

— All About Explorers (accessed Feb. 2012): Henry Hudson

I started by having the students to look up some explorers. If you prefix an explorer’s name with “all about explorers” (e.g. “all about explorers Christopher Columbus) the first link on google leads to the right website.

They were supposed to read the page and recorded three facts that they found interesting, but, in doing so, it pretty quickly becomes apparent that the information might not be very reliable; Columbus did not, after all, have to rely on infomercials to build support for his expedition.

The All About Explorers website was created by a group of teachers to be a tool for teaching about how to do research on the internet.

Having them see the site come up on google is, I think, better than sending them directly to the url. Google is usually their first recourse for researching anything, so it’s nice to see that google does not give information about credibility.

The discussion that ensued ranged pretty widely, but a key question that kept recurring was: how do you judge the credibility of a website. We talked a little bit about the possible biases of commercial .com and .net websites, and about the fact that .org’s may well also have their own biases, since it does not require any credentials to set one up (see for example). On the other hand, while .gov and .edu domains (as well as most U.S. state and other country websites) are restricted to governments and colleges, that improves their credibility, but, in itself, is no guarantee of accuracy or being unbiased.

So much of assessing websites’ credibility comes from experience, which students just don’t have much of yet, so I recommended that checking with teachers and adults might be a good bet. Confirming data from multiple sources also helps, but you have to be careful, since so many websites now use Wikipedia as a source (or even reprint things directly from Wikipedia) that any errors in a Wikipedia page can spread far and wide pretty fast.

We did not get into how to use Wikipedia well (go for the sources at the bottom of the page), but we’ll get to that later.


For the second part of the lesson, I had them look up the same explorers they’d searched on the All About Explorers website. They had free range to search anywhere they wanted, but not only did they have to now collect facts but were to also find a good picture.

I’d wanted the pictures so we could talk about copyright and getting permissions to use media, but we did not get that far.

While they were satisfyingly more skeptical about where they got their information from, they were quite happy to give me the facts they’d found without attribution.

So I took the chance to talk about citing sources: to give credit where it is due; to avoid even the appearance of plagiarism; to give your reader an idea of how credible your sources are (and by extension how credible you are); and to let you readers know how up-to-date your information is.

An example of a citation for a website.


For the next week or so the middle and high school are on an interim. This is our writing interim, so they’ll be working on research projects (including how to do research) and creating publications (I’m in charge of the science journal).

Since more and more research is going online, hopefully this was a good primer to get students started.

Using the Binomial Cube in Algebra

Figuring out (a+b)3; with a binomial cube.

After working with the hundred-squares, ten-bars, and thousand-cubes to figure out how to add polynomials, we borrowed the binomial and trinomial cubes to practice multiplying out factors. It’s a physical way of showing factor multiplication.

Binomial Square

You can first look at the binomial cube in two-dimensions as a binomial square by just finding the area of the top layer of four blocks.

If you label the length of the side of the red block, a, and the length of the blue block, b, you can calculate the areas of the individual pieces simply by multiplying their lengths times their widths.

Looking from the top down, the top layer of the binomial cube is a binomial square.

Adding up the individual areas you get the area of the entire square:

A = a^2 + 2ab + b^2

However, there is another way.

If you recognize that the length of each side of the entire square is equal to (a+b).

The length of each side of the cube is the sum of the lengths of the two squares.

Then the total area is going to be total length (a+b) times the total width (a+b):

A = (a+b)^2 = (a+b)(a+b)

We can multiply this out (using FOIL is easiest):

(a+b)(a+b) = a^2 + ab + ab + b^2

which simplifies to give the same result as adding up the individual areas:

(a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2

The Binomial Cube

We can do the same thing using the entire cube by recognizing that the volume of the cube is the length times width times the depth, and all of these dimensions are the same: (a+b).

Using the full binomial cube.

Now the students can go through the same process of multiplying out the factors, and can check their work be seeing if they get the same number of pieces (and dimensions) as the physical cube.
