“Malthusian” is often used as a derogatory term to refer to alarmist predictions that we’re going to run out of some natural resource. I’m afraid I’ve used the term this way myself, however, according to Lauren Landsburg at the Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, Malthus is being unfairly maligned. He wasn’t actually predicting catastrophe but wondering why the catastrophes don’t usually happen.
What Thomas Malthus did, in 1798, was point out that while populations grow at a geometric rate – the U.S. population, he noticed, doubled every 25 years – but resources, like food, only increase at an arithmetic rate. As a result, any naturally growing population will eventually run out of resources.
The red line shows geometric growth. No matter how much you start off with, the red line will always end up crossing the blue line.
The linear equation has the form:
where y is the quantity produced, t is time (the independent variable), and m and b are constants. This should not look to unfamiliar to students who’ve had algebra.
The geometric equation is a little more complicated:
here a, g and c are constants. g is the most important, because it’s the growth rate – the higher g is the faster the curve will rise. You can play around with the coefficients and graph in this Excel spreadsheet .
At any rate, after the curves intersect, the needs of the population exceeds how much it can produce; this is the point of Malthusian catastrophe.
The intersection point is where the needs of the population exceeds the production.
The observation is, indeed, so stark that it is still easy to lose sight of Malthus’s actual conclusion: that because humans have not all starved, economic choices must be at work, and it is the job of an economist to study those choices.
— Landsburg (2008): Thomas Robert Malthus from The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics.
Solving quadratic equations requires finding the factors, which is not nearly as easy as multiplying out the factors to get the unfactored equation.
Instead, you have to do a bit of trial and error, to figure out which pairs of numbers multiply to give the constant in the equation and then add together to give the coefficient of the x term.
Factoring quadratic equations.
It gets easier with practice. Or you could use the quadratic formula, where if the equation were:
The solutions would be found with:
So in the equation used in the diagram:
you get:
a = 1
b = 7
c = 10
Putting these values into the quadratic equation gives:
which simplifies to:
With the whole plus-or-minus thing (), this last equation gives two solutions:
Now, you may have noticed that the solutions are negative, but when the equation is factored in the illustration, the result is:
The difference is that, although we’ve factored the equation, we have not solved it. When I say solve the equation, I mean find the values of x that would result in the left hand side of the equation being equal to the right, which is zero. Since multiplying anything by zero will give you zero, and the two factors multiply each other, the left-hand-side of the equation will equal zero when either one of the two factors equals zero.
Each term needs to multiply the other two terms in the opposite parenthesis, so start with the reds, then do the two mixed colors, then the blues, and finally, combine the mixed colors.
I’ve been playing around with ways of showing how to multiply out quadratic factors like the one above. I’m still not perfectly happy with these animations but they’re the best I’ve come up with so far. A smoother, Flash or svg animation might work better though.
In this second version the terms being multiplied are highlighted. I like how the highlighting gives some more stability to the animation, but I’m always leery of putting too much color or bells and whistles because they tend to complicate the picture. In this case at least, I think all the colors have meaning and are useful.
Since we’re working on geometry this cycle, I thought it would be an interesting exercise to think about how we could use geometry to think about how the strength of tsunamis decreases with distance from the source.
Of course, we’ll have to do this using some intense simplification so we can actually apply the tools we have available. The first is to approximate the tsunami as a circular wall of water centered on the epicenter of the earthquake.
Simplified tsunami geometry.
This lets us figure out the volume of the wave pretty easily because we know that the volume of a cylinder is:
The size of the circular water wall we approximate from the reports from Japan. The maximum height of the wave at landfall was somewhere in the range of 14 m along the northern Japanese coast, which was about 80 km from the epicenter. Just as a wild guess, I’m assuming that the “effective” width of the wave is 1 km.
Typically, in deep water, a tsunami can have a wavelength greater than 500 km (Nelson, 2010; note that our width is half the wavelength), but a wave height of only 1 m (USSRTF). When they reach the shallow water the wave height increases. The Japanese tsunami’s maximum height was reportedly about 14 m.
At any rate, we can figure out the volume of our wall of water by calculating the volume of a cylinder with the middle cut out of it. The radius of our inner cylinder is 80 km, and the radius of the outer cylinder is 80 km plus the width of the wave, which we say here is 1 km.
Calculating the volume of the wave
However, for the sake of algebra, we’ll call the radius of the inner cylinder, ri and the width of the wave as w. Therefore the inner cylinder has a volume of:
So the radius of the outer cylinder is the radius of the inner cylinder plus the width of the wave:
which means that the volume of the outer cylinder is:
So now we can figure out the volume of the wave, which is the volume of the outer cylinder minus the volume of the inner cylinder:
Now to simplify, let’s expand the first term on the right side of the equation:
Now let’s collect terms:
Take away the inner parentheses:
and subtract similar terms to get the equation:
Volume of the wave
Now we can just plug in our estimates of width and height to get the volume of water in the wave. We’re going to assume, later on, that the volume of water does not change as the wave propagates across the ocean.
rearrange so the coefficients are in front of the variables:
So, at 80 km, the volume of water in our wave is:
Height of the Tsunami
Okay, now we want to know what the height of the tsunami will be at any distance from the epicenter of the earthquake. We’re assuming that the volume of water in the wave remains the same, and that the width of the wave also remains the same. The radius and circumference will certainly change, however.
We take equation (10) and rearrange it to solve for h by first dividing by rearranging all the terms on the right hand side so h is at the end of the equation (this is mostly for clarity):
Now we can divide by all the other terms on the right hand side to isolate h:
which when reversed looks like:
This is our most general equation. We can use it for any width, or radius of wave that we want, which is great. Anyone else who wants to calculate wave heights for other situations would probably start with this equation (and equation (15)).
Double checking our algebra
So we can now figure out the height of the wave at any radius from the epicenter of the earthquake. To double check our algebra, however, let’s plug in the volume we calculated, and the numbers we started off with, and see if we get the same height (14 m).
First, we’ll use all our initial approximations so we get an equation with only two variables: height (h) and radial distance (ri). Remember our initial conditions:
w = 1000 m
ri = 80,000 m
hi = 14 m
we used these numbers in equation (10) to calculate the volume of water in the wave:
Vw = 7081149841 m3
Now using these same numbers in equation (18) we get:
which simplifies to:
So, to double-check we try the radius of 80 km (80,000 m) and we get:
h = 14 m
Aha! it works.
Across the Pacific
Now, what about Hawaii? Well it’s about 6000 km away from the earthquake, so taking that as our radius (in meters of course), in equation (20) we get:
which is:
h = 0.19 m
This is just 19 cm!
All the way across the Pacific, Lima, Peru, is approximately 9,000 km away, which, using equation (20) gives:
Tsunami heights with distance from earthquake, assuming a circular wall of water.
So the height of the tsunami drops off relatively fast. Within 1000 km of the earthquake the height has dropped by 90%.
How good is this model
This is all very nice, a cute little exercise in algebra, but is it useful? Does it come anywhere close to reality? We can check by comparing it to actual measurements; the same ones used by NOAA to compare to their model (see here).
The red line is the tsunami's water height predicted by the NOAA computer models for Honolulu, Hawaii, while the black line is the actual water height, measured at a tidal gauge. Other comparisons can be found here. Tsunami wave heights in the Pacific, as modeled by NOAA. Notice how the force of the tsunami is focused across the center of the Pacific.
The graph shows a maximum height of about 60 cm, which is about three times larger than our model. NOAA’s estimate is within 20% of the actual maximum heights, but they’ve spent a bit more time on this problem, so they should be a little better than us. You can find all the gruesome details on NOAA’s Center for Tsunami Research site’s Tsunami Forecasting page.
1. The maximum height of a tsunami depends on how much up-and-down motion was caused by the earthquake. ScienceDaily reports on a 2007 article that tried to figure out if you could predict the size of a tsunami based on the type of earthquake that caused it.
2. Using buoys in the area, NOAA was able to detect and warn about the Japanese earthquake in about 9 minutes. How do they know where to place the buoys? Plate tectonics.
The locations of the buoys in NOAA's tsunami warning system.
The equations starting with (7) did not have the 2 on the riw term. That has been corrected. Note that the numerical calculations were correct so they have not changed. – Thanks to Spencer and Claude for helping me catch that.
PsyBlog has an excellent summary of the research on social loafing, the phenomena where people working in a group work less compared to when they work alone. Because we do so much group work, this is sometimes an issue.
The first research on social loafing came from Max Ringelmann way back in 1913 (Ringelmann, 1913). He had people pulling on a rope, and compared the maximum they could have pulled, based on individual test, to how much each person actually pulled. The results were, kind of, sad; with eight people, each one only pulled half as much as their maximum potential strength. A graph of Ringelmann’s data is shown below. If everyone pulled at their maximum the line would have stayed horizontal at 1.
The relative loafing of people working in a group. As the group gets larger, the amount of work per person decreases from its maximum of 1. Data from Ringelmann (1913)
The PsyBlog article points out three reasons why people tend to loaf in groups:
We expect others to loaf so we do it, too.
We feel more anonymous the larger the group, so we feel less need to put in the effort.
We often don’t have a clear idea about how much we need to contribute, so we don’t put in as much as we could.
This can be summed up in Latane’s Social Theory:
If a person is the target of social forces, increasing the number of other persons diminishes the relative social pressure on each person.
The key is making sure students are motivated to do the work. We want self-motivated students, but creating the right environment, especially by training students in how to work in a group will help.
Make sure students realize the importance of their work; this makes them more motivated.
Build group cohesion; team members contribute more if they value the group they’re in.
Make sure the group clearly and fairly divides the work. Let everyone be part of the decision making process so students have choices in what to do will help them be more invested in their part of the work.
Make sure each group member feels accountable for their share of the work.
A Brief Excursion into Mathematics
Ringelmann’s data falls on a remarkably straight line, so I used Excel to plot a trendline. As my algebra students know, you only need two points to write the equation of a line, however, Excel uses linear regression to get the best-fit line through all the data. Not all the data points will be on the line (sometimes none of them will be on the line) but the sum of the distance from each point to the line is minimized.
Curiously, since the data is pretty close to a straight line, you can extend the line to the x-axis to find out how many people it would take for no-one to be exerting any force at all. Students should be able to determine the equation of the line on their own, but you can get Excel to give you the equation of the trendline. From the plot we see:
y = -0.0732 x + 1.0707
At the x-axis, y = 0, so;
0 = -0.0732 x + 1.0707
solving for x we first subtract the constant, 1.0707 from both sides to get:
0 – 1.0707 = -0.0732 x + 1.0707 – 1.0707
-1.0707 = -0.0732 x
then divide by -0.0732 to isolate x:
which yields:
x = 14.63
This means that with 15 people, no-one will be pulling on the rope. In fact, according to this equation, they’ll actually start pushing on the rope.
It’s an amazing result, but if you can find flaws with my argument or math, please let me know.
Concrete to abstract, or abstract to concrete? Bottom up or top down? Introducing new concepts can be done either way, but which way is best? Students tend to learn better when they’re building on an existing scaffolding. However, some students are more adept at seeing the bigger picture first then analyzing the details, while others favor seeing the smaller details and constructing the bigger picture of the pieces of the puzzle.
In yesterday’s lesson introducing algebra, I started concretely with weights on the scale for variables and the fulcrum as the equal sign. But I worked with them abstractly. Instead of telling students I had 200 g, 100 g and 50 g weights, I said we had three types of weights and called them a, b and c.
The weights were set on the scales as above so we wrote out the equation:
and simplified to give:
Then we talked about balance. Whatever you do to one side you have to do to the other, so I took the c weights off and showed how it solved for a:
Now you can solve for b by dividing everything by 2 to get:
However, since you can’t exactly divide the 200 g weight into two, you can’t exactly demonstrate this, but at least you can show the math. You can also now substitute in the values for the weights. If b = 100 g.
At this point, students could look at the weights and see the numbers.
Concrete to abstract and back again, I like how the lesson turned out, although, today I had to go over how to show their work again.
I’d like to minimize the sugar content of the jam in order to see the most of the currant’s tartness. According to the FAO, you need to have about 60% sugar concentration in the final jam for good preservation. I’ve squeezed the currants and produced quite a bit of juice. I need to find out how much sugar to add.
To figure out how much sugar we need to add, based on the mass, we need to define our terms. Let’s say the amount of sugar is s, the amount of jam is j and the total mass, the sugar plus the jam, is t.
So the total mass is going to be:
(1) t = s + j
Since the amount of sugar needs to be 60% then:
(2) s = 0.6 t
If we substitute the first equation (1) into the second (2) we’ll have just one equation we can solve to find the amount of sugar:
(3) s = 0.6 (s + j)
Now we solve for the amount of sugar, s. Start by expanding the right hand side of the equation (distributive property):
(4) s = 0.6 s + 0.6 j
Next, isolate s on the left hand side of the equation by subtracting:
(5) s – 0.6 s= 0.6 s + 0.6 j – 0.6 s
Which gives:
(6) 0.4 s= 0.6 j
Now, get rid of the coefficient on the left hand side by dividing through:
(7) 0.4 s / 0.4 = 0.6 j / 0.4
To get:
(8) s = 1.5 j
So to have the right amount of sugar, I need to add one and one half times as much sugar as I have juice. So, if I have 2.0 kg of juice, then:
s = 1.5 (2.0 kg) s = 3.0 kg
3.0 kg of sugar is a lot of sugar! However, if we boil the jam, some of the water in the juice will evaporate. Therefore, if we know how much sugar we want to add in we should be able to calculate how we need to evaporate to get the right ratio. More evaporation should also lead to a more concentrated flavors in the jam. Hmmm …