Humans, 90% bacteria + 10% us

90% of the cells in your body are bacteria and other provocative facts about the Domain Bacteria are the subject of a great but long article by Valarie Brown.

[R]esearchers have also discovered unique populations adapted to the inside of the elbow and the back of the knee. Even the left and right hands have their own distinct biota, and the microbiomes of men and women differ. The import of this distribution of microorganisms is unclear, but its existence reinforces the notion that humans should start thinking of themselves as ecosystems, rather than discrete individuals.
Brown (2010), in Miller-McCune.

The article makes for great reading during this cycle’s work on classification systems and evolution. One choice paragraph summarizes the fundamental differences between the domains of life:

There’s such ferment afoot in microbiology today that even the classification of the primary domains of life and the relationships among those domains are subjects of disagreement. For the purposes of this article, we’ll focus on the fundamental difference between two major types of life-forms: those that have a cell wall but few or no internal subdivisions, and those that possess cells containing a nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts and other smaller substructures, or organelles. The former life-forms — often termed prokaryotes — include bacteria and the most ancient of Earth’s life-forms, the archaea. (Until the 1970s, archaea and bacteria were classed together, but the chemistry of archaean cell walls and other features are quite different from bacteria, enabling them to live in extreme environments such as Yellowstone’s mud pots and hyperacidic mine tailings.) Everything but archaea and bacteria, from plants and animals to fungi and malaria parasites, is classified as a eukaryote.
Brown (2010).

Bacteria are prokaryotes. Image by Mariana Ruiz Villarreal.

Brown also gets into a discussion of if bacteria think:

[B]acteria that have antibiotic-resistance genes advertise the fact, attracting other bacteria shopping for those genes; the latter then emit pheromones to signal their willingness to close the deal. These phenomena, Herbert Levine’s group argues, reveal a capacity for language long considered unique to humans.
Brown (2010).

Trimming this article down would probably make it a good source reading for a Socratic Dialogue.

Bacteria are the sine qua non for life, and the architects of the complexity humans claim for a throne. The grand story of human exceptionalism — the idea that humans are separate from and superior to everything else in the biosphere — has taken a terminal blow from the new knowledge about bacteria. Whether humanity decides to sanctify them in some way or merely admire them and learn what they’re really doing, there’s no going back.
Brown (2010).

Science articles in newspapers

In this paragraph I will state the main claim that the research makes, making appropriate use of “scare quotes” to ensure that it’s clear that I have no opinion about this research whatsoever. – Robbins (2010), This is a news website article about a scientific paper

If you’ve ever thought that science articles in major newspapers all seem to follow a similar pattern you should read this article by Martin Robbins, the Guardian’s “Lay Scientist”. It’s hilarious.

Living without oxygen

Microscope image of the undescribed species of Spinoloricus (Loricifera; stained with Rose Bengal) (image from Donavaro et al., 2010)

While there are quite a number of single-celled microbes that live in environments without oxygen (they’re anaerobic), multicellular organisms have now been discovered, living near the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, that also do not need oxygen.

(a) a hydrogenosome-like organelle. (image from Donavaro et al., 2010)

What’s really neat, and creates a great teaching point, is that these anaerobes don’t have mitochondria in their cells, so they can’t use oxygen for energy:

The creature’s cells apparently lack mitochondria, the organelles that use oxygen to power a cell. Instead they are rich in what seem to be hydrogenosomes, organelles that can do a similar job in anaerobic (or oxygen free) environments. – Vogel, 2010.

The conclusion paragraph of the journal article, would make a nice piece for students to mark up and process. It might even work better for use on a vocabulary test because you’ll need to understand the vocabulary to understand the text.

This is the first evidence of a metazoan life cycle that is spent entirely in permanently anoxic sediments. Our findings allow us also to conclude that these metazoans live under anoxic conditions through an obligate anaerobic metabolism that is similar to that demonstrated so far only for unicellular eukaryotes. The discovery of these life forms opens new perspectives for the study of metazoan life in habitats lacking molecular oxygen. – Donavaro et al., 2010)

Possible endosymbiotic prokaryote and hydrogenosome-like organelles. (from Donavaro et al., 2010)

The article, by Donavaro et al., (2010) also has an intriguing image of suspected “endosymbiotic prokaryotes”. Some organelles in cells are believed to have once been separate organisms that developed symbiotic relationships with their host cells. It’s nice to see an example of it in real life. Even if it’s a bit hard to interpret.

The ultimate implication of this discovery, is that there are probably a lot more anaerobic environments on other planets so the chances of finding extra-terrestrial multi-cellular life might not be as low as we’ve thought.

Amazing storm

I appreciate how much you more of the weather you can observe using time lapse photography, but its astonishing when you don’t even need the time lapse.

While this storm seems like something out of the movie “Day After Tomorrow”, I wonder how much more freaky weather we’re seeing just because of the new ubiquity of video cameras.