My notes on the four macromolecules that are essential to life as we know it: proteins, fats (lipids), carbohydrates (saccharides), and nucleic acids.

Middle and High School … from a Montessori Point of View
The Tabletop Whale blog by Elanor Lutz, has a focus on scientific illustration. It is a wonderful intersection of science, math and art, such as in this beautiful animation of a muscle in motion.
She has animations of butterflies and birds in motion as well.
I think that one of the reasons I really like this diagram is because it places the school as a small piece in a much larger ecological context. A student in my Environmental Science class drew it for an assignment. We’d hiked all the way from the creek to the ridge in the company of Scott Woodbury from the Shaw Nature Center, and I asked them to draw a diagram showing the different ecological regions. I’d expected top down maps, which is what almost all the other students did. When I asked why the perspective view, she said just didn’t know how to draw trees from the top down. posts and hosts some excellent graphics. The one below, calculates the nearly infinitesimal probability of just being born. There’s hardly a better argument for appreciating life.
It’s also a good example of working with probabilities [and] exponents. Very large exponents.