How to Write a Web Page from Scratch


I gave a quick introduction to writing HTML web pages over the last interim. The basic outline of a web page can be seen above (but there’s no content in there, so if you tried this file in a web browser you’d get a blank page). Everything is set between tags. The open html tag (<html>) starts the document, and the close html tag (</html>) ends it.

The head section (<head>) holds the information needed to set up the page, while the body section (<body>) holds the stuff that’s actually on the page.

For example, if I wanted to create a heading and a paragraph of text, I would just put it in the body, like so:

		<h1>My Heading Here</h1>

		This is my text.

Note that the heading is placed between h1 tags. And the result should look like this:

Basic webpage.
Basic webpage.

Now save this file as an html file, which means save it as a plain text file using a .html extension (e.g. test.html) and open the file in a browser.

Note on Editors: I’ve found that the best way to do this is by using a simple coding editor. I recommend my students use GEdit on Linux, Smultron (free version here) or GEdit on Mac, and Notepad++ on Windows. You don’t want to use something like Microsoft Word, because complex word processing software like it, LiberOffice and Pages need to save a lot of other information about the files as well (like the font style, who created the file etc.).

CSS Styling

But we typically don’t want something so plain, so we’ll style our heading using CSS. Usually, we’ll want all of our headings to be the same so we set up a style to make all of our headings blue. So we’ll add a styling section to our header like so:

		<style type="text/css">
			h1 { color: blue; }
		<h1>My Heading Here</h1>
		This is my text.

Which gives:

Styling the heading.
Styling the heading.

There are a few named colors like blue, but if you want more freedom, you can use the hexadecimal color codes like “#A3319F” to give a kind of purple color (hexadecimals are numbers in base 16).

DIV’s to Divide

Finally, we’ll often want pages with separate blocks of information, so let’s make a little column for our heading and paragraph. We’ll make the background yellowish, put a border around it, and give it a set width.

To do this we’ll place our heading and paragraph into a DIV tag, which does not do anything but encapsulate the part of the web page we want into sections.

		<style type="text/css">
			h1 { color: blue; }
		<div id="section1">
			<h1>My Heading Here</h1>
			This is my text.

Note that I’ve given the div tag an id (“section1), this is so that I can refer to that section only in the styling section using “#section”:

		<style type="text/css">
			h1 { color: blue; }
			#section1 {
				background-color: #A2A82D;
				border: solid black 2px;
				width: 400px;
		<div id="section1">
			<h1>My Heading Here</h1>
			This is my text.

to give:

More styling.
More styling.


With that introduction, I set students loose to make their own web pages. They had to make two page, both linking to the other, and one of them being an “About Me” page.

There are lots of places on line to find out what HTML tags and CSS styles are available and how to use them, so my goal was to introduce students to the language they needed to know.

One issue that came up was the use of copyrighted images. Current adolescents see everything online as part of a sharing culture–most of my students for this lesson had Pintrest accounts–and it took some explanation for them to understand why they should not use that cute gif of a bunny eating a slice of pizza without getting permission from the author (or at least finding out if the artwork was free to use).

Finally, I did do a quick intro on how to using JavaScript (with Jquery) to make their pages more interactive, but given that we only had two days for this project, that was pushing things a little too far.

Maps that Explain …

Vox does some great articles using maps to explain things like World War II (which is always a popular middle/high school topic for history papers). What the site does best, is that it accompanies each map with an explanation of what was going on. This results in a set of really interesting vignettes that stoke the curiosity bunkers.

One of the maps Timothy B. Lee uses to explain World War 2 on Vox.
One of the maps (with accompanying explanation) Timothy B. Lee uses to explain World War 2 on Vox.

The Importance of Collecting (and Reporting) Good Data

Image capture from Ben Wellington's TED Talk on what can be done with data from New York City.
Image capture from Ben Wellington’s TED Talk on what can be done with New York City’s data.

I’m having my students collect all sorts of data for Chicken Middle, their student-run-business. Things like the number of eggs collected per day and the actual items purchased at the concession stand (so we don’t have to wait until we run out of snacks). It takes a little explanation to convince them that it’s important and worth doing (although I suspect they usually just give in so that I stop harassing them about). So this talk by Ben Wellington is well timed. It not goes into what can be done with data analysis, but also how hard it is to get the data in a format that can be analyzed.

Doubly fortunately, Ms. Furhman just approached me about using the Chicken Middle data in her pre-Algebra class’ chapter on statistics.

We’re also starting to do quarterly reports, so during this next quarter we’ll begin to see a lot of the fruits of our data-collecting labors.

Gene Transfer from Algea to Sea Slug

The sea slug. "Elysia pusilla" by Katharina Händeler, Yvonne P. Grzymbowski, Patrick J. Krug & Heike Wägele - Händeler K., Grzymbowski Y. P., Krug P. J. & Wägele H. (2009) "Functional chloroplasts in metazoan cells - a unique evolutionary strategy in animal life". Frontiers in Zoology 6: 28. doi:10.1186/1742-9994-6-28 Figure 1F.. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
The sea slug. “Elysia pusilla” by Katharina Händeler, Yvonne P. Grzymbowski, Patrick J. Krug & Heike Wägele – Händeler K., Grzymbowski Y. P., Krug P. J. & Wägele H. (2009) “Functional chloroplasts in metazoan cells – a unique evolutionary strategy in animal life”. Frontiers in Zoology 6: 28. doi:10.1186/1742-9994-6-28 Figure 1F.. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

One of my students wanted to figure out how to make animals photosynthesize. Well, this article indicates that sea slugs have figured out how eat and digest the algae but keep the algal chloroplasts alive in their guts so the sea slug can use the fats and carbohydrates the chloroplasts produce (the stealing of the algal organelles is called kleptoplasty). To maintain the chloroplasts, the slugs have actually had to incorporate some of the algae DNA into their own chromosomes–this is called horizontal gene transfer and it’s what scientists try to do with gene therapies.

More details here.

Magnification ?.
Filamentous algae like the ones eaten by the sea slugs.

Limiting Chemical Reactions

Figuring out the limiting reactant in a chemical reaction integrates many of the basic chemistry concepts including: unit conversions from moles to mass and vice versa; the meaning of chemical formulas; and understanding the stoichiometry of chemical reactions. So, since we’ll need a number of these, I wrote a python program to help me design the questions (and figure out the answers).

Program examples come zipped because they require the program file and the library:

Baking Powder and Vinegar (Common Molecules) This has the baking powder and vinegar reaction limited by 5 g of baking soda. It’s nice because it uses a few pre-defined “common molecules” (which are defined in the library.

You enter the reactants and products and the program checks if the reaction is balanced, then calculates the moles and masses based on the limiting component, and finally double checks to make sure the reaction is mass balanced.

from elements_database import *
import sys

print "  Determines the needed mass and moles of reactants and products if reaction is limited by one of the components"

c = common_molecules()

'''Create Reaction'''
rxn = reaction()
# Add reactants (and products)
#   Use rxn.add_reactant(molecule[, stoichiometry])
#       molecule: from molecule class in elements_database
#       stoichiometry: integer number
rxn.add_product(c.water, 1)

'''Print out the reaction'''
print "Chemical Formula"
print "  " + rxn.print_reaction()

'''Check if reaction is balanced'''
balanced = rxn.check_for_balance(printout=True)

'''Calculate limits of reaction'''
if balanced:
    rxn.limited_by_mass(c.baking_soda, 5, printout=True)

Outputs results in the Results table (using scientific notation):


  Determines the needed mass and moles of reactants and products if reaction is limited by one of the components

Chemical Formula
  NaHCO3 + HCl  --> CO2 + H2O + NaCl 

Check for balance
| Element | Reactants | Products | Difference |
|   Na    |    1      |    -1    |     0      |
|   H     |    2      |    -2    |     0      |
|   C     |    1      |    -1    |     0      |
|   O     |    3      |    -3    |     0      |
|   Cl    |    1      |    -1    |     0      |
Balance is:  True

Given: Limiting component is 5 g of NaHCO3.
  Molar mass = 84.00676928
  Moles of NaHCO3 = 0.0595190130849

  | Molecule | Stoich.*| Molar Mass (g) | Moles req. |    Mass (g)   |
  |NaHCO3    |    1    |    84.0068     |  5.952e-02 |   5.000e+00   |
  |HCl       |    1    |    36.4602     |  5.952e-02 |   2.170e+00   |
  |CO2       |    -1   |    44.0096     |  5.952e-02 |   2.619e+00   |
  |H2O       |    -1   |    18.0156     |  5.952e-02 |   1.072e+00   |
  |NaCl      |    -1   |    58.4418     |  5.952e-02 |   3.478e+00   |
 * negative stoichiometry means the component is a product

  Final Check: Confirm Mass balance: 
     Reactants:    7.1701 g 
     Products:    -7.1701 g 
          =      0.0000 g 

General Example

If not using the common molecules database, you need to define the components in the reaction as molecules yourself. This example reacts magnesium sulfate and sodium hydroxide, and limits the reaction with 20 g of magnesium sulfate.

The main file is:

from elements_database import *
import sys

print "  Determines the needed mass and moles of reactants and products if reaction is limited by one of the components"

# create reaction

rxn2 = reaction()
# Add reactants (and products)
#   Use rxn.add_reactant(molecule[, stoichiometry])
#       molecule: from molecule class in elements_database
#       stoichiometry: integer number
rxn2.add_reactant(molecule("Na:1,O:1,H:1"), 2)

'''Print out the reaction'''
print "Chemical Formula"
print "  " + rxn2.print_reaction()

'''Check if reaction is balanced'''
balanced = rxn2.check_for_balance(printout=True)

'''Calculate limits of reaction'''
if balanced:
    rxn2.limited_by_mass(molecule("Mg:1,S:1,O:4"), 20, True)

# print out masses
print "Masses Involved in Reaction"
print "  Reactants:"
for i in rxn2.reactants:
    #print "rxn", i
    print "    {m}: {g} g".format(m=i.molecule.print_formula().ljust(10), g=i.mass)
print "  Products:"
for i in rxn2.products:
    #print "rxn", i
    print "    {m}: {g} g".format(m=i.molecule.print_formula().ljust(10), g=-i.mass)

This program is slightly different from the common molecules example in that, at the end, it prints out masses calculated in a more easily readable format in addition to the other data.

Masses Involved in Reaction
    MgSO4     : 20.0 g
    NaOH      : 13.2919931774 g
    MgO2H2    : 9.69066512026 g
    Na2SO4    : 23.6013280571 g

When I have some time I’ll convert this to JavaScript like the molecular mass example.