Another interesting project that came out of the Creativity Interim was a VPython program that uses the DNA Writer translation table to convert text into a DNA sequence that is represented as a series of colored spheres in a helix.
The code, by R.M. with some help from myself, is below. It’s pretty rough but works.
from visual import * import string xaxis = curve(pos=[(0,0),(10,0)]) inp = raw_input("enter text: ") inp = inp.upper() t_table={} t_table['0']="ATA" t_table['1']="TCT" t_table['2']="GCG" t_table['3']="GTG" t_table['4']="AGA" t_table['5']="CGC" t_table['6']="ATT" t_table['7']="ACC" t_table['8']="AGG" t_table['9']="CAA" t_table['start']="TTG" t_table['stop']="TAA" t_table['A']="ACT" t_table['B']="CAT" t_table['C']="TCA" t_table['D']="TAC" t_table['E']="CTA" t_table['F']="GCT" t_table['G']="GTC" t_table['H']="CGT" t_table['I']="CTG" t_table['J']="TGC" t_table['K']="TCG" t_table['L']="ATC" t_table['M']="ACA" t_table['N']="CTC" t_table['O']="TGT" t_table['P']="GAG" t_table['Q']="TAT" t_table['R']="CAC" t_table['S']="TGA" t_table['T']="TAG" t_table['U']="GAT" t_table['V']="GTA" t_table['W']="ATG" t_table['X']="AGT" t_table['Y']="GAC" t_table['Z']="GCA" t_table[' ']="AGC" t_table['.']="ACG" dna="" for i in inp: dna=dna+t_table[i] print dna m=0 r=3.0 f=0.5 n=0.0 dn=1.5 start_pos = 1 for i in dna: rate(10) n+=dn m+=1 x = n y=r*sin(f*n) z=r*cos(f*n) a=sphere(pos=(x,y,z)) #print x, y, z if (i == "A"): a.color=color.blue elif (i== "G"): a.color=color.red elif (i== "C"): a.color=color.green