I’ve slapped together this simple VPython program to introduce sinusoidal functions to my pre-Calculus students.
Left and right arrow keys increase and decrease the frequency;
Up and down arrow keys increase and decrease the amplitude;
“a” and “s” keys increase and decrease the phase.
The specific functions shown on the graph are based on the general function:
A — amplitude
F — frequency
P — phase
Phase. Note how the curve seems to move backward when the phase increases.
When I first introduce sinusoidal functions to my pre-Calculus students I have them make tables of the functions (from -2π to 2π with an interval of π/8) and then plot the functions. Then I’ll have them draw sets of sine functions so they can observe different frequencies, amplitudes, and phases.
from visual import *
class sin_func:
def __init__(self, x, amp=1., freq=1., phase=0.0):
self.x = x
self.amp = amp
self.freq = freq
self.phase = phase
self.curve = curve(, x=self.x, y=self.f(x), radius=0.05)
self.label = label(pos=(xmin/2.0,ymin), text="Hi",box=False, height=30)
def f(self, x):
y = self.amp * sin(self.freq*x+self.phase)
return y
def update(self, amp, freq, phase):
self.amp = amp
self.freq = freq
self.phase = phase
self.curve.y = self.f(x)
self.label.text = self.get_eqn()
def get_eqn(self):
if self.phase == 0.0:
tphase = ""
elif (self.phase > 0):
tphase = u" + %i\u03C0/8" % int(self.phase*8.0/pi)
tphase = u" - %i\u03C0/8" % int(abs(self.phase*8.0/pi))
print self.phase*8.0/pi
txt = "y = %ssin(%sx %s)" % (simplify_num(self.amp), simplify_num(self.freq), tphase)
return txt
def simplify_num(num):
if (num == 1):
snum = ""
elif (num == -1):
snum = "-"
snum = str(num).split(".")[0]+" "
return snum
amp = 1.0
freq = 1.0
damp = 1.0
dfreq = 1.0
phase = 0.0
dphase = pi/8.0
xmin = -2*pi
xmax = 2*pi
dx = 0.1
ymin = -3
ymax = 3
xaxis = curve(pos=[(xmin,0),(xmax,0)])
yaxis = curve(pos=[(0,ymin),(0,ymax)])
x = arange(xmin, xmax, dx)
#y = f(x)
func = sin_func(x=x)
func.update(amp, freq, phase)
while 1: #theta <= 2*pi:
if scene.kb.keys: # is there an event waiting to be processed?
s = scene.kb.getkey() # obtain keyboard information
#print s
if s == "up":
amp += damp
if s == "down":
amp -= damp
if s == "right":
freq += dfreq
if s == "left":
freq -= dfreq
if s == "s":
phase += dphase
if s == "a":
phase -= dphase
func.update(amp, freq, phase)
#update_curve(func, y)
LED light circuits on a breadboard controlled to Raspberry Pi via a cobbler (connected to a ribbon of wires).
Although it took us a day to figure out how to get the Raspberry Pi to work–a faulty SD card turned out to be a major delay–we still had most of a week of the Creativity Interim for students to get some projects done.
That is, until it started to snow. We lost more two days.
Still, we had a small cadre of determined students, one of whom (N.D.) decided that she wanted to make the Pi play sounds to go with the blinking LED lights.
To do this she needed to:
Learn how to use the LINIX command line to connect to the Pi and execute programs.
Learn how to write programs in Python to operate the Pi’s GPIO (input/output) pins.
Learn how to make circuits on a breadboard connected to the Pi.
A Quick and Incomplete Introduction to the Command Line: Basic Navigation
We started by using the Terminal program on my Mac to learn basic navigation.
To see a list of what’s in a folder use ls:
> ls
For more details on the items in the folder, use the -l option:
> ls -l
To see all the options available for the ls command you can lookup the manual using man:
> man ls
To create a new directory (e.g. Pi) use mkdir:
> mkdir Pi
To change directories (say to go into the Pi directory) use cd:
> cd Pi
Connecting to the Pi
I detail how to connect to a Pi that’s plugged into the wall via the local network here, but to summarize:
Use ifconfig to find the local IP address (under eth1).
> ifconfig
Use nmap to identify where the Pi is on the network. E.g.:
> sudo nmap -sP
Finally, connect to the Pi using the secure shell program ssh:
> ssh pi@
(the default password is “raspberry”)
Wiring an LED Light Circuit
A circuit that connects the #17 GPIO pin to a red LED light then to a resistor before going back into the ground (GND).
We created an initial circuit going from the #17 General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pin to a red LED then through a resistor then back into one of the ground pins of the Pi. We’ll turn the current going through GPIO #17 on and off via our program on the Pi. The resistor is needed to reduce the amount of current flowing through the LED, otherwise it would likely get blown out. The circuit is shown in the picture where I’ve taken the wire ribbon out for the sake of visibility.
Wiring on a breadboard is quite simple if you remember a few rules.
First, the columns of holes on the sides are connected vertically, so the right end of the yellow wire (in the + column) is connected to the resistor.
Secondly, the holes in the middle are connected horizontally, but not across the gap in the middle. That’s why the GPIO pin #17 is connected to the lower end of the black wire, and the left end of the resistor is connected to the ground (GND) pin. The LED light reaches across the two gap to connect the two rows with the upper end of the black wire and the left end of the yellow wire. Without something to bridge the gap, the circuit would not be complete.
The resistor has a resistance of 420 Ohms. You can tell by the color bands. In the sequence–yellow, red, brown–the first two bars represent numbers (yellow=4; red=2) and the third number represents a multiplier (in this case brown represents 10x).
Light: Programming the Pi in Python
Once you ssh to the Pi you can start programming. We used the command line text editor Nano. A simple text editor is all you need to write simple Python programs. We’ll create a program called (Note: it’s important to include the .py at the end of the file’s name, otherwise it becomes hard to figure out what type of file something is, and the extension also clues Nano in to allow it to color-code the keywords used in Python, making it a lot easier to write code.
pi> nano
You can then type in your program. The basic code for making a single light flash on and off ten times (see here) is:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from time import sleep
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
cpr = 17 ## The GPIO Pin output number
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) ## Use board pin numbering
GPIO.setup(cpr, GPIO.OUT) ## Setup GPIO Pin 7 to OUT
for i in range(10):
GPIO.output(cpr, True)
GPIO.output(cpr, False)
This requires wiring a circuit to the GPIO pin #17. The circuit has a LED and a resistor in series, and circles back to the Pi via a grounding pin.
Run the program using:
pi> sudo python
Finally, let’s tell the program how many times to flash the light. We could create a variable in the Python code with a number, but it’s more flexible to set Python to take the number from the command line as a command line argument. Any words you put after the python in the command to run your program are automatically stored in an array called sys.argv if you import the sys module into your program. So we rewrite our program as:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from time import sleep
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import sys
cpr = 17 ## The GPIO Pin output number
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) ## Use board pin numbering
GPIO.setup(cpr, GPIO.OUT) ## Setup GPIO Pin 7 to OUT
for i in range(int(sys.argv[1])):
GPIO.output(cpr, True)
GPIO.output(cpr, False)
So to flash the light 8 times use:
pi> sudo python 8
Note that in your Python code you use int(sys.argv[1]) to get the number of times to flash:
sys.argv[1] refers to the first word on the command line after the name of the python file. sys.argv[0] would give you the name of the python file itself ( in this case).
the int function converts strings (letters and words) into numbers that Python can understand. When Python reads in the “8” from the command line it treats it like the character “8” rather than the number 8. You need to tell Python that “8” is a number.
Sound: Using SOX
You can do a lot with sound–record, play files, synthesize notes–on the Pi using the command line program SOX. Install SOS (and mplayer and ffmpeg which are necessary as well) using:
pi> sudo apt-get install sox mplayer ffmpeg
Installation may take a while, but when it’s done, if you plug in speakers or headphones–the Pi has no onboard speakers–you can test by synthesizing an E4 note, which has a frequency of 329.63 Hz (via Physics of Music Notes), that lasts for half a second using:
pi> play -n synth .5 sin 329.63
Now play is a command line program that’s part of sox, so to use it in your Python program you have to tell Python to import the module that lets Python talk to the command line: it’s called os. Then you make a Python program to play the note using os.system like so:
import os
os.system('play -n synth .5 sin 329.63')
And run the program with:
pi> sudo python
Combining light and sound
Now we bring the light and sound together a the Python program:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from time import sleep
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import sys
import os
cpr = 17 ## The GPIO Pin output number
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) ## Use board pin numbering
GPIO.setup(cpr, GPIO.OUT) ## Setup GPIO Pin 7 to OUT
for i in range(int(sys.argv[1])):
GPIO.output(cpr, True)
os.system('play -n synth .5 sin 329.63')
GPIO.output(cpr, False)
which you run (repeating the note and light 5 times) with:
pi> sudo python 5
Notice that we’ve replaced the middle sleep(0.5) line with the call to play the note because we don’t need the delay since the note plays for 0.5 seconds.
Playing a Tune
N.D. wires LED’s and resistors on a breadboard connected to a Raspberry Pi.
The student, N.D., spent some time working through this programming and adding wiring to the Pi breadboard in order to play the first few notes of Mary Had A Little Lamb. By the time we ran out of time, and she had to do her presentation to the rest of the upper-school, she’d come up with this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from time import sleep
import os
import sys
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
os.system('play -n synth 2 sin 543.21')
cpy = 22
cpr = 17
cpw = 23
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) ## Use board pin numbering
GPIO.setup(cpy, GPIO.OUT) ## Setup GPIO Pin 0 to OUT
GPIO.setup(cpr, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(cpw, GPIO.OUT)
for i in range(int(sys.argv[1])):
GPIO.output(cpy, True)
GPIO.output(cpr, False)
GPIO.output(cpw, False)
os.system('play -n synth 1 sin 578.00')
GPIO.output(cpy, False)
GPIO.output(cpr, True)
GPIO.output(cpw, False)
os.system('play -n synth 2 sin 440.00')
GPIO.output(cpy, False)
GPIO.output(cpr, False)
GPIO.output(cpw, True)
os.system('play -n synth 1 sin 400.00')
which is run (5 times) using:
pi> sudo python 5
Creating User-Defined Functions
(As a note to N.D., because we ran out of time before we could get to it.)
You’ll notice it takes four lines to turn a light on, turn the other lights off, and play the note. You’ll also note that you have to repeat the exact same code every time you want to play a specific note and it becomes a pain having to repeat all this every time, especially if you want to play something with more notes. This is the ideal time to define a function to do all the repetitive stuff.
So we’ll create a separate function for each note. Mary has a little lamb uses the notes E4, D4, and C4. So we get their frequencies from Physics of Music Notes and create the functions:
Another interesting project that came out of the Creativity Interim was a VPython program that uses the DNA Writer translation table to convert text into a DNA sequence that is represented as a series of colored spheres in a helix.
The code, by R.M. with some help from myself, is below. It’s pretty rough but works.
from visual import *
import string
xaxis = curve(pos=[(0,0),(10,0)])
inp = raw_input("enter text: ")
inp = inp.upper()
t_table[' ']="AGC"
for i in inp:
print dna
start_pos = 1
for i in dna:
x = n
#print x, y, z
if (i == "A"):
elif (i== "G"):
elif (i== "C"):
Student wires LED’s to a circuit on a breadboard attached to a Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi‘s are small computers that are remarkably easy to use if you know what you’re doing. Unfortunately, I did not quite know what I was doing. On the other hand, fortunately, I had Mr. Schmidt available to give me the kick start I needed to get going. In this post, I’ll outline, in as much detail as possible, how we got started; how we helped a student put together a synchronized LED light and digital sound project.
You should just be able to plug your Pi into a monitor using the HDMI cable that comes with the starter kit (like this kit by Adafruit) and power it up. However, we did not have a monitor that could take an HDMI cable, so we had to connect the hard way: by plugging the Pi into an ethernet cable and finding it on the local network. This is what’s called a headless setup — with no monitor and no keyboard — and I followed a lot of Robert A. Wood’s instructions on headless setups.
Install the Raspbian Operating System for remote access
First you have to make sure you have a bootable operating system on the Pi’s SD card that will allow you to connect remotely through the internet. The card that came with the starter kit had the basic NOOBS operating system installed, but NOOBS does not allow remote access by default.
I downloaded the Raspbian raw image to my computer then copied the image to the SD card using the terminal program dd. Follow this procedure with caution because you can do a lot of damage if you copy the image over your computer’s hard drive (which is remarkably easy to do with dd). The procedure follows:
1) Once you plug the SD card into your computer it should mount automatically. You need to detect where it is mounted using (on a Mac running OSX) the diskutil program:
> diskutil list
This should give you a list of all of your mounted disks. Identify the one that is the SD card. It should look something like this:
Output from ‘disktuil list’.
It shows my 4 gigabyte disk located at ‘/dev/disk1’.
2) If you’re absolutely sure you’ve identified the SD card you need to unmount it:
> diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk1
3) Now if you’re still absolutely sure you have the right location of the SD card copy the image. Note that in the example below the option ‘if‘ means input file, while ‘of‘ means output file:
I had the devil of a time trying to install the raw image of the Raspbian operating system. After a few hours of frustration I finally pulled an SD card from my small camera and lo-and-behold the copy went through easily. So make sure you have a good quality card.
Talking to the Pi
Plug the SD card with Raspbian installed into the Pi, plug the Pi into a power outlet, then and plug an ethernet cable into the Pi. The Pi should boot up and connect to the internet automatically. Now you just have to find it from your computer. Mr. Schmidt helped a lot with this step, but I also used Pete Taylor’s instructions as well.
The ifconfig command will tell you your computer’s IP address. Look under the section en1.
> ifconfig
My IP address turned out to be
To find the Pi I had to download and install nmap to locate all things on the local network. Once installed I used:
> sudo nmap -sP
You should find something labeled ‘Raspberry Pi’ with an IP address that’s almost identical to yours except for the last of the four numbers. I found mine at
Now, you can log in to the Raspberry Pi using the username ‘pi’ and the password ‘raspberry’:
> ssh pi@
And, ‘Bam’, you’re in.
Configure and Update
I used the configuration utility ‘raspi-config’ to expand the root file system to take up the entire SD Card: expand_rootfs:
pi> raspi-config
Update the software using the two commands:
pi> sudo apt-get update
pi> sudo apt-get upgrade
You can also set up the Pi for remote window access by running a Virtual Network Computing (VNC) server and using a vnc client (like Chicken on the Mac). I installed ‘tightvnc’ and started the vnc server on the Pi with:
We never did end up using the vnc window, however.
The light circuit
We hooked up the LED circuit to the output pin GPIO 17 in series with a resistor and then back into a ground pin of the Pi, pretty much as the Gordon’s Projects page describes.
Talking to the Circuits/Pins
In order to get the Pi to operate the LED lights you have to control the pins that communicate in and out. Our starter kit came with a ribbon cable and breakout board that connects the pins from the Pi to a breadboard, which makes it easier to build circuits.
But first we have to be able to control to the Pi’s pins. I tried two different methods. The first was to use wiringPi, which is a set of command line tools, while the second was to use the Rpi.GPIO library for the Python programming language. We found it was much easier to use Python for its ease of programming.
pi> git clone git://
pi> cd wiringPi
pi> ./build
Now you can manipulate pin 0 (GPIO 17, which is labeled #17 on the breakout board) by: 1) setting to output mode; 2) turning it on, and; 3) turning it off:
The following short script (red-light-flash.s) turns the light on and off ten times:
# a single blinking led light attached to gpio0
# based on
for i in `seq 1 10`
gpio write 0 1
sleep 0.5
gpio write 0 0
sleep 0.5
The script needs to be given execute permissions:
pi> chmod 777 red-light-flash.s
then run:
pi> ./red-light-flash.s
Python: Rpi.GPIO
As I mentioned above, it’s much easier to write programs in Python than to use shell scripts. So we’ll install the Python library, RPi.GPIO, to that allows us to communicate with the Pi. To get RPi.GPIO we first need the Python Development toolkit:
pi> sudo apt-get install python-dev
Then install Rpi.GPIO:
pi> sudo apt-get install python-rpi.gpio
To operate the GPIO-17 (turn it on and off every half second) we use the following program:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from time import sleep
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
cpr = 17 ## The GPIO Pin output number
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) ## Use board pin numbering
GPIO.setup(cpr, GPIO.OUT) ## Setup GPIO Pin 7 to OUT
for i in range(10):
GPIO.output(cpr, True)
GPIO.output(cpr, False)
We run the program using the command:
pi> sudo python
Addendum: A Student’s Light and Sound Project
During our Creativity interim, one student chose to use the python program as a starting point to make a program to combine light and musical notes.
The post below was contributed by Michael Schmidt, our math teacher.
Layered image showing the ballistic path of the green ball thrown by two middle school students. Image by Michael Schmidt.
Parabolas can be a daunting new subject for some students. Often students are not aware of why a parabola may be useful. Luckily, nature always has an answer. Most children realize that a ball thrown through the air will fallow a particular arch but few have made the connected this arch to a parabola. Wonderfully, with a little technology this connection can be made.
With Ms. Hahn’s Canon SLR, I had some of my students throw a ball around outside and took a series of quick pictures of the ball in flight. Since my hand is not very steady, I took the pictures and used the Hugin’s image_stack_align program to align each photo so I could stack them in GIMP.
Within GIMP, I layered the photos on top of each other and cut out the ball from each layer then composed those onto one image. Careful not to move the ball since our later analysis will be less accurate. The result will look something like the following:
Now that there is an image for student to see, we can determine the ball’s height at each point using their own height as a reference. We can then use this information to model a parabola to the data with a site like: .
For the more advanced student an investigation of the least-squares algorithm used by the site may be done.
Now, once we have an expression for the parabola, students can compare how fast they sent the ball into the air.
With all the cold temperatures and serial snowstorms, it has been quite the winter in Missouri. The wonderfully hilly roads around St. Albans are picturesque, but can become quite tricky with a fresh layer of snow and ice. Our head of school is understandably cautious, so we’re on our forth snow day this semester even though we’re only one month in.
My high-school biology class is taking their exam on genetics and evolution. To make the test a little more interesting, and to point out that there may be some relevance for this knowledge in the future, I made the test a questionnaire for the new head of the Mars Colonization Project. It begins like this:
Friday, January 30th, 2054.
Dear Dr. ________________ (insert your name here):
We are excited that you have accepted our offer to head the Biomedical Division of the MCP. As we are engaged in the first ever effort to colonize another planet, we know that we will face many unique challenges. Your expertise in pluripotent stem cell research and oncology will be extremely valuable to us — even though some of us administrators still don’t know what pluripotent stem cells are.
Please fill out the questions in this document to help us with our planning for the colony and to help our Human Resources department assemble your research and medical team.
Because of the sensitivity of some of the personal information included in this document, please write out, and sign, the Honor Code below before turning the page.
Yours truly,
Board of Administrators,
Martian Colonization Project
Front page of the High Schooler’s Biology exam.
Then I pose all of the questions in this context. For example, to get their knowledge of vocabulary I ask them to define the scientific words and phrases (which they’ve used in their scientific publications many, many times), in terms that laymen — like the people on the board of administrators — could understand.
To get at more complex concepts, like the molecular process of gene expression and regulation, I phrased the question like this:
Medical Issues Related to Ongoing Colonization Planning
The trip to Mars will take five years, so we will be placing most of the colonists into cryogenic sleep for most of that time. We are still working out some of the bugs in the cryogenic technology, and we need your help.
To put people into cryogenic sleep, we need to stop their digestion of carbohydrates. Your predecessor, Dr. Malign, told us that we could do this using RNA interference, by injecting them with engineered microRNA that would block the production of the enzyme amalyse.
Could you draw a diagram of a cell showing how proteins are expressed from DNA, and how microRNA would interfere with protein production. Are there other methods for preventing protein expression?
We’ll see how the students do on the test, however at least one student glanced at the front page and said, “This is kinda cool,” (actually, she first asked if I’d stolen the idea from the internet somewhere), which is significant praise coming from a teenager.
pH measurements from soil, bird manure, composted horse manure, and kitchen compost.
We’ve acquired a selection of manures and composts for revitalizing our orchard, but don’t quite know if they’re safe to add to the soil. Too much nitrogen in the manure will “burn” plants. Therefore, we tried a simple pH test as a quick-and-dirty proxy for estimating the nitrogen/ammonia concentration of the samples.
Since we’ve been working on the orchard, Dr. Sansone has contributed a pile of composted horse manure, a pile of composted kitchen scraps, and a pile of mixed compost and pigeon manure. You’re supposed to let bird manure compost for quite a while (months to years) before using it because of the high ammonia content that is produced by all the uric acid produced by birds.
The “burning” of the plants happens, primarily, when there’s too much ammonia in the manure. Ammonia becomes basic (alkaline) when dissolved in water (thanks to Dillon for looking that up for us). The ammonia (NH3) snags a hydrogen from a water molecule (H2O) making ammonium (NH4+) and hydroxide ions (OH–).
NH3 + H2O <==> NH4+ + OH–
The loose hydroxides make the water basic.
When excess amino acids are broken down the amine group becomes ammonia.
The ammonia, in this case, comes primarily from the breakdown of urea and uric acid in the manure. Animals produce urea (in the liver) from ammonia in the body. The ammonia in the body comes from the breakdown of excess amino acids in food. We get the amino acids from digestion of proteins (proteins are long chains of amino acids. The urea is excreted in urine, or in the case of birds as uric acid mixed in with their feces.
Experimental Procedure
Weigh 100 g of soil/compost/manure.
Add enough water to fill the beaker to the 300 ml level. Some of the samples absorbed significant amounts of water necessitating more water to get to the 300 ml level.
Stir to thoroughly mix (and melt any ice in the soil) then let sit for 5 minutes.
Pour mixture through filter (we used coffee filters).
Test the pH of the filtrate (the liquid that’s passed through the filter) using pH test strips.
Important Note: We did the experiment under the hood, because the pigeon manure was quite pungent.
In addition to testing the manure and compost, we tried a soil sample from the creek bank, and a sample of fresh pigeon manure to serve as controls.
The results were close to what we expected (see Table 1), with the bird manure having the highest pH.
Table 1: pH of soil, manure, and compost samples.
Topsoil from Creek Bank
Fresh Pigeon Manure
Kitchen Compost
6 Month Old Pigeon Manure/Compost Mix
While the high pH of the fresh pigeon manure suggests that it probably too “hot” to directly apply, it was good to see that the composted manure had a pH much closer to neutral.
This is a simple way to test the soil, so it may be useful for students to do this as we get new types of fertilizer.